Sunday 1 September 2013

Day 197: September 1

From the newsdesk...

September is the ninth month of the year and is one of the four months to have 30 days. It is named after septem, the Latin for 7, as it was previously the 7th month.

Today is September the first, a day celebrated (or not celebrated) by many. Why? Well I'm glad you asked because here's a list:

SPRING: Gone are the days where you are greeted by condensation every time you breathe and you can feel the cold under your skin. Instead we're greeted by the sounds of sneezing thanks to hayfever and the birth of many new bugs and insects. Jokes aside, spring is a lovely season filled with blossoms and baby animals and pretty perfect not-too-hot weather. Its a frivalous time and its time to break out that hat and the sunscreen and get joyful.

Father's Day: In the Land Down Under, we celebrate Father's Day on the first Sunday in September, which this year happens to be September 1st. So here's to the last 16 years of homework help, dad jokes, anchovies (small salty fish my dad likes), halva, billtong, advice, boring biscuits, cynical comments, running and just being there when I need you (and also often when I don't)

SEPTEMBER 1st: What does this mean you mere muggles ask? Well September 1st is the faithful day on which Hogwarts students go through the wall onto Platform 9 and 3/4 and take the puffing steam train known as the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It doesn't bother me hugely that my letter is 5 years overdue or that I live in Australia (and Hogwarts is in Ireland). But soon my fellow witches/wizards we will be walking up and down the 432 (?) moving stairs of Hogwarts, transfiguring match boxes into mice and looking into crystal balls with Professor Trelawney. Soon.

(Also for people who live in the northern hemisphere, school starts today).

So stop what you're doing, grab a straw hat, your favourite Harry Potter, your dad, a picnic basket, a mat and skip down to the nearest park for a father's day celebration. The Harry Potter book is for when he goes to BBQ the meat.

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