Thursday 28 February 2013

Day 132: February 28

30 days hath September, April, June and November
All the rest have 31
Excepting February alone
Which only has 28 days clear
And 29 each leap year

Happy last day of February

I think there's something wrong with my back. Yesterday I went to the osteopath to have it fixed and he did stuff by now everytime I sit for more than a couple of minutes, it hurts like a bitch.
Thanks Doctor, love you too xxxx

One hundred and thirty one Simpson's episode names
1. Simpson's roasting on an open fire
2. Bart the genius
3. Homer's Odyssey
4. There's no disgrace like home
5. Bart the general
6. Moaning Lisa
7. The call of the Simpsons
8. The telltale head
9. Life on the fast lane
10. Homer's night out
11. The crepes of wrath
12. Krusty gets busted
13. Some enchanted evening
14. Bart gets an F
15. Simpson and Delilah
16. Treehouse of horror
17. Two cars in every garage and three yes on every fish
18. Dancin' Homer
19. Dead putting society
20. Bart vs. Thanksgiving
21. Bart the Daredevil
22. Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
23. Bart gets hit by a car
24. One fish, two fish, blowfish, blue fish
25. The way we was
26. Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th commandment
27. Principal Charming
28. Oh Brother, where art thou?
29. Bart's dog gets an F
30. Old money
31. Brush with greatness
32. Lisa's substitute
33. War of the Simpsons
34. Three men and a comic book
35. Blood feud
36. Stark raving dad
37. Mr. Lisa goes to Washington
38. When Flanders failed
39. Bart the murderer
40. Homer defined
41. Life father, like clown
42. Treehouse of horror II
43. Lia's pony
44. Saturday's of thunder
45. Flaming Moe's
46. Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerk
47. I married Marge
48. Radio Bart
49. Lisa the Greek
50. Homer Alone
51. Bart the lover
52. Homer at the bat
53. Separate vacations
54. Dog of death
55. Colonel Homer
56. Black widower
57. The Otto show
58. Bart's friend falls in love
59. Brother can you spare two dimes
60. Kamp Krusty
61. A streetcar named Marge
62. Homer the Heretic
64. Treehouse of horror III
65. Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
66. Marge gets a job
67. New kid on the block
68. Mr Plow
69. Lisa's first word
70. Homer's triple bypass
71. Marge vs. the monorail
72. Selma's choice
73. Brother from another planet
74. I love Lisa
75. Duffless
76. Last exit to Springfield
77. So it's come to this: a Simpsons clip show
78. The front
79. Whacking day
80. Marge in chains
81. Krusty gets kancelled
82. Homer's barbershop quarter
83. Cape Feare
84. Homer goes to college
85. Rosebud
86. Treehouse of horrors IV
87. Marge on the lam
88. Bart's inner child
89. Boy-Scoutz 'n the hood
90. Springfield (or how I learned to stop worrying and love legalized gambling)
91. Homer the vigilante
92. Bart gets famous
93. Homer and Apu
94. Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
95. Deep space Homer
96. Homer loves Flanders
97. Bart gets an elephant
98. Burns' heir
99. Sweet Seymour Skinner's baadaaaas song
100. The boy who knew too much
101. Lady Bouvier's Lover
102. Secrets of a successful marriage
103. Bart of darkness
104. Lisa's rival
105. Another Simpsons clip show
106. Itchy & Scratchy land
107. Sideshow Bob Roberts
108. Treehouse of Horror V
109. Bart's girlfriend
110. Lisa on ice
111. Homer Badman
112. Grampa vs. sexual inadequacy
113. Fear of flying
114. Homer the great
115. And Maggie makes three
116. Bart's comet
117. Homie the clown
118. Bart vs. Australia
119. Homer vs. Patty and Selma
120. A star is burns
121. Lisa's wedding
122. Two dozen and one greyhounds
123. The PTA disbands
124. Round Springfield
125. The Springfield connection
126. Lemon of Troy
127. Who shot Mr Burns (Part 1)
128. Who shot Mr Burns (Part 2)
129. Radioactive Man
130. Home Sweet Homediddly Dum Doodily
131. Bart sells his soul
132. Lisa the vegetarian

And about 1 million more (this is only season 1-6 and 5 episodes of season 7)

I have only seen like 3 episodes of The Simpsons and in grade 4, my music teacher hummed the theme song, I didn't know it. #shame

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Day 131: February 27

My dad is putting in my new whiteboard (!!) and I asked if glass was magnetic (it's a glass whiteboard). Good job Lauren.

So it seems the Internet is going through a goat phase. First there was the 'Goats that sound like humans' video my sister sent me because no-one actually knows. Then there was the 'I knew you were a goat when you walked in' remix by Taylor Swift and the goat. From there, there has been Bon Jovi and the goat collaborations, a party in the USA (Goat edition) and Dynamite featuring goats.

You goat-ta believe it.
With a whole world of goat related humor, you go for goat-ta? (reference to Harry Potter if you uncultured souls didn't know).

One hundred and thirty one extinct animals from North America:
1. American Masodon
2. American Lion
3. American Cheetah
4. Short Faced Bear
5. American Mountain Deer
6. Bison Antiquus
7. Aztlanolagus agilis
8. Bootherium Bombifrons
9. Camelops Sp
10. Campromeryx
11. Caribbean Ground Sloths (oh, I wish these were still around. Imagine the coolness of them)
12. Columbian Mammoth
13. Castoroides Leiseyorum
14. Clidomys Osborni
15. Cuon Texanus
16. Dasypus Bellus
17. Dire Wolf
18. Doedicurus clavicaudatus
19. Equus Lembei
20. Jefferson's ground sloth
21. Mylohyus
22. Panthera Onca Augusta
23. Panaamerican Ground sloth (there seems to be a lot of ground sloths)
24. Platygonus
25. Pygmy Mammoth (How Pygmy exactly??)
26. Saber Tooth cats
27. Saiga Antelopes
28. Scimitar Cats
29. Shasta Ground Sloths
30. Scott's Horse
31. Shrub Ox
32. Stag Moose
33. Stilt Legged Llama
34. Stout Legged Llama
35. Tapirus Merriami
36. Woolly Mammoth
37. Antillean Cave Rat (I Iike how this is counted as a 'recent extinction' - 1500 CE to present)
38. Corozal Rat
39. Eastern Cougar
40. Puerto Rican Shrew
41. Puerto Rican Long-Tongued Bat
42. Lesser Puerto Rican Ground Sloth (as, it's a lesser species)
43. Sherman's pocket gopher
44. Goff's pocket gopher
45. Giant deer moose
46. Gull Island Vole
47. Louisiana Vole
48. Less Puerto Rican Agouti
49. Greater Puerto Rican Agouti
50. Sea Mink
51. Caribbean Monk Seal
52. Stellar's Sea Cow
53. Smith Island Cottontail
54. Colorado Hog-nosed Skunk
55. Allen's thirteen-lines ground squirrel
56. Banks Island Wolf
57. Pygmy Rabbit
58. Arizona Wapiti
59. Antillean Giant Rice Rat
60. Eastern Elk
61. Tule Shrew
62. Arizona Jaguar
63. Southern Rocky Mountains Wolf
64. Californian Turkey
65. Giant Condor
66. Saint Croix Macaw
67. Antillean Cave Rail
68. Daggett's Eagle
69. Woodward's Eagle
70. Labrador Duck (Labrador with wings or a duck with fur?)
71. Heath Hen
72. Cuban Red Macaw
73. Spectacled Cormorant
74. Bermuda Night Heron
75. Virgin Islands Screech Owl
76. Brace's Emerald
77. Gould's Emerald
78. Great Auk
79. Grey Cayman Thrush
80. Giant Tortoise
81. Navassa Iguana
82. Navassa Curly-Tailed Lizard
83. Sulcate Blind Snake
84. Martinique Giant Ameiva
85. Saint Croix Racer
86. Navassa Island Dwarf Boa
87. Vegas Valley Leopard Frog
88. Golden Toad
89. Hidromencha Andaconda
90. Ameiva cineracea
91. Mottled Coqui
92. Web-Footed Coqui
93. Golden Coqui
94. Catahoula Salamander
95. Alberca Silverside
96. Longjaw Cisco
97. Deep water Cisco
98. Silver Trout
99. Blackfin Cisco
100. Thick tailed Chub
101. Lake Ontario Kiyi
102. Las Vegas Dace
103. Clear Lake Spittail
104. Phantom Shiner
105. Snake River Sucker
106. Blue Walleye
107. Tecopa Pupfish
108. Shoshone Pupfish
109. Raycraft Ranch Kilifish
110. Ash Meadows Kilifish
111. Banff Longnose Dace
112. Utah Lake Sculpin
113. San Marcos Gambusia
114. Harelip Sucker
115. Amistad Gambusia
116. Maryland Darter
117. Fort Ross Weevil
118. Xerces Blue
119. Central Valley Grasshopper
120. Nevada Water Mite
121. Caribbean monk seal nasal mite
122. Passenger Pigeon Mite
123. Carolina Elktoe
124. Coosa Elktoe
125. Shoal Sprite
126. Nearby Pearly mussel
127. Closed Elimia
128. Ribbed Elimia
129. Eelgrass limpet
130. Lined pocketbook
131. Round splitshell

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Day 130: February 26

I cannot write essays. I have been at high school for 3 years and I've written at least 9 essays (probably more) and I still cannot write them. I think it's because it's structured writing. I don't have problems with just writing, but when it comes to following a plan, no. My main problems are the topic sentence and the linking sentence (which I hardly include anyway), and then just putting it altogether. For some reason, I find it really hard to write a topic sentence. I don't know why, and in theory it should be the easiest because it's pretty much a summary of what you're writing. Anyway. 3 years down, 3 years to go. (At least I've got still analyses down pat).

One hundred and thirty phobias (brackets contain what the fear is of):1. Arachnophobia (spiders)
2. Aviophobia  (flying)
3. Algophobia  (pain)
4. Chronophobia  (time & moving forward)
5. Chirotophobia  (bats)
6. Chaetopohbia (hair)
7. Chemophobia  (chemicals)
8. Autophobia  (being alone or isolated or of one's self)
9. Decidiphobia (making decisions)
10. EmetoThe Lonely Island  (vomiting)
11. Claustraphobia (no escape and being closed in)
12. Chromophobia (bright colours)
13. Dentophibia (dentists & dental procedures)
14. Dipsophobia (drinking alcohol)
15. Hadephobia (Hell)
16. Glossophobia (speaking in public or of trying to speak)
17. Frigophobia (Becoming too cold)
18. Gynophobia (Women)
19. Gymnophobia (Nudity)
20. Heliophobia (Sunlight)
21. Hoplophobia (weapons, generally firearms)
22. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (number 666)
23. Ergophobia (work or functioning)
24. Gephyrophobia (bridges)
25. Genophibia/Coitophobia (sex)
26. Gerontophobia (growing old or hatred/fear of the elderly)
27. Ichthyophobia (fish)
28. Homophobia (homosexuals/gays or of homosexual relationships)
29. Hylophobia (trees, forests, wood)
30. Somniphobia/hypnophobia (sleep)
31. Lipophobia (fats in food)
32. Mysophobia (germs, contamination or dirt)
33. Necrophobia (death and/or the dead)
34. Obesophobia (obesity)
35. Nomophobia (being out of mobile phone contact) I think the whole of my generation has this.
36. Osmophobia/Olfactophobia (bad odours)
37. Panphobia (everything or constant fear of an unknown cause)
38. Phagophobia (swallowing)
39. Phonophobia (lound sounds)
40. Pyrophobia (fire)
41. Philophobia (love)
42. Papaphobia (Pope)
43. Phobophobia (having a phobia or of fear)
44. Pharmacophobia (fear of medications)
45. Pediophobia (dolls)
46. Ophthalmophobia (stared at)
47. Ornithophobia (birds)
48. Ombrophobia (rain)
49. Oikophobia (home surroundings and household appliances)
50. Trypophobia (holes)
51. Tokophobia (childbirth or pregnancy)
52. Tetraphobia (number 4)
53. Technophobia (technology)
54. Taphophobia/Taphephobia (grave/being placed in the grave while still alive)
55. Thalassophobia (sea/being in the ocean)
56. Thanatophobia (dying)
57. Thermophobia (heat)
58. Uranophobia/Ouranophobia (Heaven)
59. Xanthophobia (colour yellow)
60. Apiphobia (bees)
61. Xenophobia (strangers/foreigners/aliens)
62. Zoophobia (animals)
63. Murophobia (mice/rats)
64. Ranidphobia (frogs)
65. Mottephobia (butterflies/moths)
66. Equinophobia/Hippophobia (Horses)
67. Bovinophobia (Cattle)
68. Cyno[hobia (Dogs)
69. Scoleciphobia (worms)
70. Selachophobia (sharks)
71. Ophidiophobia (snakes)
72. Hydrophobia (water)
73. Anglophobia (England/English culture)
74. Biphobia (Bisexuals/Bisexuality)
75. Atheophobia (Atheists)  
76. Ephebopohobia (youth)
77. Psychophobia (mental illness/mentally ill)
78. Transphobia (transgendered people)
79. Turcophobia (Turks)
80. Russophobia (Russians)
81. Lesbophobia (Lesbians)
82. Islamophobia (Muslims)
83. Judeophobia (Jews)
84. Sinophobia (Chinese)
85. Polonophobia (Polish)
86. Nipponophobia (Japanese)
87. Negrophobia (Black people)
88. Aibohphobia (palindrome) Joke term, as it's a palindrome itself
89. Ablutophobia (washing or bathing)
90. Acerophobia (sourness)
91. Aeroacrophobia (Open high places)
92. Agrizoophobia (Wild animals)
93. Agoraphobia (open places/crowded public places, like a market, leaving a safe place)
94. Alliumphobia (garlic)
95. Allodoxaphobia (opinions)
96. Samhainophobia (Halloween)
97. Althaiophobia (Marshmallows)
98. Domatophobia (Houses)
99. Arithmophobia (maths/arithmetic)
100. Scoptophobia (Being seen)
101. Anablephobia/Anablepophobia (Looking up)
102. Astrophobia (Stars or celestial places)
103. Iophobia (Poison)
104. Isopterophobia (termites, insects that eat wood)
105. Iatrophobia (doctor/going to the doctor)
106. Kynophobia (Rabies)
107. Leukophobia (Colour White)
108. Lilapsophobia (Tornadoes/Hurricanes)
109. Kleptophobia (Stealing)
110. Macrophobia (Long Waits)
111. Myxophobia (Slime)
112. Mycophobia (mushrooms)
113. Mettalophobia (metal)
114. Myrmecophobia (ants)
115. Optophobia (Opening one's eyes)
116. Omphalophobia (belly buttons)
117. Oenophobia (wines)
118. Ochophobia (Vehicles)
119. Photophobia (Lights)
120. Parasitophobia (Parasites)
121. Prosophobia (Progress)
122. Psellismophobia (Stuttering)
123. Ponophobia (Overworking or pain)
124. Rupophobia (Dirt)
125. Rhytiphobia (Wrinkles)
126. Taurophobia (Bulls)
127. Tyrannophobia (Tyrants)
128. Tremophobia (Trembling)
129. Wiccaphobia (Witches and Witchcraft)
130. Xerophobia (Dryness)

So I think there's pretty much a fear for anything and all you do is add the word, in either greek, english or latin to 'phobia' and you're all set.        

Monday 25 February 2013

Day 129: February 25

My Internet is slow. It's like a snail making its way down the Great Wall of China. Don't point your finger at me and say, 'well in my day we had dial-up internet'. Well when I lived in South Africa, so did I. Parents don't point at me, shake your head and go, 'when I was your age, things weren't instant, we had to wait for things/pay our dues.' Alright. We pay our dues where they're due and we wait for things. For example, I'm waiting for the next Glee episode to come out and I'm also waiting FOR WINNERS AND LOSERS TO START AGAIN (people who run the show: THAT WOULD BE LOVELY). But seriously, I do wait for stuff. Nothing is instant. We may have 'instant gratification', but really it's not properly instant. It may be fast, which is pretty much instant for us. It's like instant coffee - faster than the normal one, but not as good. (Okay so I didn't really have anything to compare that to, but I like the analogy).

One hundred and twenty nine places at our school:
1. Front of the school
2. T Block science rooms
3. T block art rooms
4. T8
5. The MERC
6. C block
7. C6
8. R1
9. R4
10. The top oval
11. The bottom oval
12. The locker shed
13. The new R block
14. The 'popular' tree
15. The carpark
16. Korean Gardens
17. A-Block
18. A1
19. Lecture Theatre
20. In front of the Lecture Theatre
21. A1 Ramp
22. General Office
23. Bursar
24. A3
25. A4
26. The new food tech room
27. The old food tech room
28. G1
29. F03
30. C7
31. Year 8 student managers
32. Year 9 student managers
33. Year 10 student managers
34. Year 11 student managers
35. Year 12 student managers
36. Principal's office
37. Treasurer
38. The Meeting room
39. Outside the general office
40. Staff room 1
42. Staff room 2
43. The tech help
44. Tech help D block
45. D1
42. D2
43. D3
44. D4
45. Ceramics room
46. The clean-up shed
47. The sports shed 1
48. The sports shed 2
49. Gym
50. The hall
51. Outside the gym
52. Gym front steps
53. Gym side steps
54. Sports equipment room 1
55. Weights room
56. Mezzanine
57. Sports equipment room 2
58. Behind the stage
59. The year 7 girls toilets
60. The year 7 boys toilets
61. Library
62. Library foyer
63. The back gate
64. First aid
65. Sick Bay
66. Behind the shed
67. Duke Shed
68. BBQ area
69. Four square area
70. The tables
71. B-Block drink taps
72. The E block toilets
73. The E block drink taps
74. Our lockers (year 10)
75. The year 12 centre
76. The desert
77. The multicourts
78. Outside basketball courts
79. B5
80. Geography store room
81. MERC lab
82. MERC symposium
83. Photocopying room
84. MERC office
85. G2
86. The random spot
87. The B-block door
88. B5
89. B6
90. B1
91. The old conference room
92. The new conference
93. The library office
94. The library study
95. Library private study
96. Soft chairs
97. Open science room
98. A5
99. A6
100. In front of the office
101. Side of the school
102. Uniform shop
103. C8
104. Careers office
105. Tables behind the canteen
106. Shade cloth/table area
107. Portables
108. Year 11 corridor
109. Year 11 lockers
110. E1
111. E3
112. A16
113. The 3D room
114. B-Block outside passage
115. In front of the MERC
116. Draper Street Entrance
117. Dumpster
118. Back of T Block
119. The sport office
120. Copy room
121. Head of English office
122. Junior School Head Office
123. Senior School Head Office
124. C9
125. C11
126. In front of T4/T5
127. Art corridor
128. T5
129. Auditorium

Our school is split into blocks which are arranged in lines - A, B, C, D, E, F, G block. Then we have R and T block. Some of our classrooms are lovely and new and air conditioned and some of them, I swear, are just holes in the wall.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Day 128: February 24

My new obsession is I dreamed a dream from Les Mis. I've been listening to it non-stop for the whole day. It's my new jam. It's such a powerful song, especially as they get into it. My favourite line is 'and there are storms we cannot weather'. While she's not giving up, she's accepting the fact that life isn't a fairytale and some things might go wrong once in a while. The music during that part (excuse my very un-technical terms) gets really intense and rich. It's the storm after the calm and up to there is the calm before the storm. Anne Hathaway's voice is amazing an you can her the emotion as she sings. The Glee version is also brilliant and Lea Michele and Idina Menzel do it total justice. I may be totally musically untalented, but their range. Wow. (And their voices go so well together).

Oh, yes, I should totally do vocal arrangements. Great, future career arranged.

One hundred ad twenty eight types of teas: (slight challenge as I don't drink tea)
1. Earl Grey
2. English Breakfast
3. Rooibos
4. Peppermint
5. Green
6. Lemon Grass and Ginger
7. Rosehip
8. Apple tea (my life <3. When I go to Turkey - one day - I'm brining back kilos of the stuff)
9. Oolong Tea
10. Keemun Gongfu
11. Keemun Mao Feng
12. Keemun Hai Ya
13. Keemun Xin Ya
14. Hubei Keemun
15. Keemun
16. Yunnan
17. Dian Hong
18. Pu-erh
19. Assam
20. Red Robe
21. Wuyi Rock (Cliff)
22. Gold Turtle
23. Iron Man Arhat
24. White Comb
25. Cassia
26. Narcissus
27. Iron Goddess
28. Golden Cassia
29. Single Bush
30. Don't Ding Oolong
31. Oriental Beauty
32. Alishan Oolong
33. Lishan Oolong
34. Pouchong
35. Darjeeling
36. Vietnamese Oolong
37. Thai Oolong
38. Nepali Oolong
39. Monkey Picked Oolong (The rarest of the Oolong teas)
40. African Oolong
41. Indonesia Oolong
42. Bai Hao Yinzhen
43. Bai Mudan
44. Bai Ji Guan
45. Qilan
46. Shui Hsien
47. Rou Gui
48. Huoshan Huangya
49. Junshan Yinzhen
50. Matcha
51. Jasmine Tea
52. Sencha Tea
53. Gunpowder Tea
54. Star Anise
55. Chrysanthemum Tea
56. Nilgri
57. Lady Grey
58. Duchess Grey
59. Kahwah
60. Ceylon
61. Longing
62. Lapsang
63. Silver Needle
64. White Snow Buds
65. Pal Mu Tan
66. High Flying Pai Mu Tan
67. Wuyi Pai Mu Tan
68. White Flowery Pekoe
69. Menu Ding Huang Ya
70. Buddhas
71. China Jasmine
72. Dancing Mao Feng
73. Jade Ring Jasmine
74. Lung Ching Classic
75. Mudan Roae
76. Pai Lo Chun
77. Royal Oolong
78. Oolong Dan Cong
79. Oolong Formosa
80. Iron Goddess of Mercy
81. Grand China Oolong
82. Pu-erh Ginger
83. Pu-erh Sweet Orange
84. Pu-erh Earl Grey
85. Pu-erh Blue Lemon
86. Chamomile
87. Lavender
88. Rose
89. Cinnamon
90. Hibiscus
91. Bamboo
92. Detox
93. Indian Spice
94. Chamomile and Lavender
95. Ayurvedic Vata Boom
96. Ayurvedic Herb Chai
97. Licorice
98. Pepper and Ginger
99. Cardamom
100. Spi Chai
101. Lemongrass
102. Juniper Berries
103. Aussie Red Chai
104. Red Chai
105. Red Earl Grey
106. Red Choc Mint
107. Red Fancy Fruit
108. Tuisi Red Magic
109. Red Green and Dreamy
110. Red Green Vanilla
111. Honey Green Almond
112. Lemongrass
113. Sencha Sprinkles
114. Super Sencha
115. Fair Trade English Breakfast
116. White Rose
117. White Ginger
118. White Jasmine
119. Ready Set Raspberry
120. Tummy Tea
121. Bright Night
122. Spring
123. Soothe
124. Passion
125. Lemongrass & Peppermint Leaf
126. Spearmint & Peppermint
127. Spearmint, Vanilla Bean
128. Fennel Tea

Thanks to, Yahoo! Answers and Tea Wiki

Saturday 23 February 2013

Day 127: February 23

When you're in a train it's impossible to look anywhere without looking like you're staring at someone. If you look straight and someone looks up, it looks like you've been staring at them like a creeper. Fun times. If you look at the window and you happen to catch someone's eye, it's super awkward. Instead of just seeing each other in the normal way, you just have to catch each others eye in a reflection. Other than that I like trains. They're a nice form of public transport (except on New Years and currently * because theres like a bajillion people on the train and you can't get yourself think). Otherwise, when you're going someone and there aren't that many people you can look out the window, read a book, listen to music, eavesdrop on people's conversations or just chill.

One hundred and twenty seven words i'd use to describe the people around me:
1. Loud
2. Big nose
3. Wide awake
4. Foreign
5. Tall
6. Skinny
7. Lanky
8. Gangly
9. Young
10. Excitable
11. Stern
12. Tired
13. Black-haired
14. Wrinkled
15. Pretty
16. Spectacled
17. Busy
18. Jeweled
19. Stumpy
20. Angry
21. Conversational
22. Tongan
23. Affectionate
24. Smelly
25. Intelligent
26. Bored
27. Asian
28. Talkative
29. Hairy
30. Expensive
31. Triumphant
32. Irritated
33. Thirsty
34. Hot
35. Sweaty
36. Indignant
37. Exhausted
38. Interested
39. Patient
40. Flat-nosed
41. Rushed
42. Relaxed
43. Social
44. Joking
45. Playful
46. Jumpy
47. Anti Social
48. Friendly
49. Tubby
50. Snobbish
51. Purposeful
52. Caring
53. Sick
54. Pale
55. Tanned
56. Freckled
57. Bald
58. Overweight
59. Small feet
60. Skinny legs
61. Big feet
62. Resigned
63. Reserved
64. Loving
65. Thoughtful
66. Injured (Crutches kinda gave that away)
67. Sweet
68. Good natured
69. Over everything
70. Strict
71. Cheesy
72. Seducing
73. Gazing
74. Reminiscing
75. Longing
76. Sad
77. Depressed
78. Uninterested
79. Argumentative
80. Opinionated
81. Absolute
82. Mild Mannered
83. Middle Aged
84. Unhappy
85. Confused
86. Straight Haired
87. Average Height
88. Muscled
89. Cold
90. Shivering
91. Sweating
92. Stooped
93. In love
94. Drunk
95. Tipsy
96. Parental - Types
97. Carefree
98. Bossy
99. Spaced Out
100. Rowdy
101. Quiet
103. Rude
104. Mean
105. Decisive
106. Indecisive
107. Up to date
108. Trendy
109. 'Hipster'
110. Aloof
111. Chatty
112. Big Breasted
113. Small Torso
114. Smiley
115. Overachievers
116. Smelly
117. Fit
119. Squashed Face
120. Chubby cheeks
121. Wide
122. Cutting
123. Sharp
124. Winded
125. Naive
126. Homely
127. Curly haired

*Tonight in the city, there's this thing called White Night on. It goes from 7pm (tonight) until 7am (tomorrow morning). I think it's such a cool thing, I mean you have a straight 12 hours of entertainment. Whether you want food, drink, music, movies or just a good atmosphere, it'll be there. Currently, I'm sitting on the train coming back from White Night (I'll post pictures tomorrow if I remember)

Friday 22 February 2013

Day 126: February 22

I wish I could sketch. Like I could just pick up a pencil with an idea in my head and make small pencil lines and it'll eventually turn into a shape/object. Okay, so that may not be the technical definition, but WAH to you. Even though sketches are (according to Google), unfinished drawings, I think they should be redefined as wonderful pictures that take people quick to draw but give the illusion that they take a long time. They seem like such pretty little things, like they're masterpieces that are going to be put up for exhibition.

One hundred and twenty six places I want to visit on my travels:
1. Venice
2. Berlin
3. Durban (KRUGER!!)
4. Israel
5. Argentina
6. Chile
7. China
8. Japan
9. Germany
10. Turkey
11. Maldives
12. Hawaii
13. California
14. Texas
15. Florida
16. Canada (THEY HAVE MOOSE)
17. Namibia
18. Pretoria
19. Ghana
20. The Netherlands
21. Seychelles
22. Queensland
23. New Zealand
24. England
25. Ireland
26. Scotland
27. Wales
28. Spain
29. Crete
30. Macedonia
31. Moscow
32. Paris
33. Nice
34. Italy
35. Rome
36. Switzerland
37. Norway
38. Singapore
39. Indonesia
40. Mexico
41. Johannesburg
42. Venezuela
43. Nepal
44. New York
45. New Jersey
46. The Bronx
47. Manhattan
48. Madagascar
49. The Ivory Coast
50. Uruguay
51. Paraguay
52. Swaziland
53. Albania
54. Antigua and Barbuda
55. Barbados
56. Bahamas
57. Lichtenstein
58. Mauritius
59. Vienna
60. Bahrain
61. Belarus
62. Belgium
63. Bolivia
64. Cyprus
65. Port Elizabeth
66. Saudi Arabia
67. Dubai
68. Congo
69. Colombia
70. Costs Rica
71. Tanzania
72. Cuba
73. Czech Republic
74. Denmark
75. Egypt
76. Dominican Republic
77. Ecuador
78. El Salvador
79. Ethiopia
80. Kenya
81. Uzbekistan
82. Kazakhstan
83. Qatar
84. Oman
85. Philippines
86. Peru
87. Malaysia
88. Malawi
89. Laos
90. Lesotho
91. Latvia
92. Gambia
94. Haiti
95. Hungary
96. The Vatican City
97. Jerusalem
98. Honduras
99. Guatemala
100. Jordan
101. Jamaica
102. India
103. Luxembourg
104. Lithuania
105. New Delhi
106. Reunion
107. New Caledonia
108. South Korea
109. Poland
110. Niger
111. Nigeria
112. Portugal
113. Tonga
114. Tunisia
115. Trinidad and Tobago
116. Yorkshire
117. Newcastle
118. Liverpool (LIVERPUDLIAN!!)
119. UAE
120. Tuvalu
121. Sudan
122. Yemen
123. South Sudan
124. Vietnam
125. Ukraine
126. Samoa

Okay so I pretty much wanna go everywhere and I WANNA GO NOW! I literally cannot wait to travel the world and see everything and meet new people and see sights that I've only seen in pictures or heard about from other people. I literally wanna go someone and then decide then where I'm going the next day. Just like that - no huge plans, just a decision and I'm off.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Day 125: February 21

The 21st of February seems like it would be a significant date, but it's not actually.

In film studies, we have just finished watching Schindler's List. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Schindler's List is a movie based on the book called Schindler's Ark by Thomas Kneally. It's tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a profiteer from Czechoslovakia who has come to Germany to make money from the war. Schindler makes his money off other people's misery and by working in the black market. Along the way, you see him changing bit by bit and its a true story of what one person can do to change the world. (Once again, I am horrible at reviews, but seriously this is one of the most amazing films). It's directed by Steven Spielberg, shot in black and white (with 4 instances of colour) and Liam Neeson is the most perfect Oskar Schindler. Ben Kinglsey plays Stern, Oskar's accountant and Ralph Fiennes plays Amon Goethe, a Nazi solider. It's a very long film (3 hours I think), but well worth the watch.
I normally don't like watching films like this (war) because they're repetitive and badly shot. This was different and true and I think it was one of, if not the best, of Steven Spielberg's works.

One hundred and twenty five essential foods/drinks to always have in the house
1. Bananas
2. Mayonnaise
3. Tomato Sauce (even though I think this is Satan's Spawn, other people *cough my sister*, think its staple food)
4. Plain crackers of some sort
5. Cheese (yellow, cheddar)
6. Cold Water
7. Peanut Butter
8. Margarine
9. Flour
10. Strawberry Jam
12. American Mustard
13. Tuna
14. Tinned Fruit
15. Green Apples
16. Cocoa
17. Grapes
18. Oranges
19. Peanuts
20. Raisins
21. Pronutro (cereal)
22. Rusks
23. Milk (ew)
24. Milk Chocolate
25. Coffee (again, Satan's spawn, but it keeps people up)
26. Dijon Mustard
27. Bread
28. Sausages
29. Apricots
30. Litchis
31. Dried Apricots
32. Dried Apple
33. Passion fruit
34. Tomato
35. Pickles (but only the Israeli ones)
36. Black Olives
37. Green Olives
38. Lettuce
39. Cabbage
40. Balsamic Vinegar
41. Lime Juice (cordial)
42. Juice (not apple)
43. Frozen Hamburger Patties
44. Potato Gems
45. Oven Chips
46. Fish fingers (which are gross, but my dad loves them).
47. Dark Chocolate
48. Skinny Milk
49. Shapes
50. Tiny Teddies
51. Nuggets (not the chicken ones)
52. Tinned Salmon
53. Onions
54. Boiled Sweets
55. Red Apples
56. Blood Plums
57. Vanilla Ice-Cream
58. Cookies and Cream Ice-Cream
59. Puff Pastry
60. Lasagna Sheets
61. Butter
62. Brown/Raw Sugar
63. Icing Sugar
64. Caster Sugar
65. White Sugar
66. Eggs
67. Box Juices
68. White Rice
69. Brown Rice
70. Carrots
71. A dip of some sort
72. Sa Ka Ta (s)
73. Cold Meat
74. Pineapple
75. Olive Oil
76. Icy Poles
77. Icy Sticks
78. Ice Cubes
79. Frozen Schnitzel
80. Potatoes
81. Cous Cous (vom, but it seems to be staple)
82. Vegetable Stock
83. Chicken Stock
84. Condensed Milk (you never know when you might need it!)
85. Almonds
86. Honey
87. Syrup
88. Tim Tams
89. Frozen Mince
90. Frozen Meat
91. Choc Chips
92. Wraps
93. Sunflower Seeds
94. Microwave Popcorn
95. Popcorn Seeds
96. Slivered Almonds
97. Marmite (the South African one)
98. Paprika
99. Spray and Cook
100. Chutney
101. Cottage Cheese
102. Book Choy
103. Corn Flour
104. Yeast
105. Kidney Beans
106. Chickpeas
107. Diced Tomatoes
108. Microwaveable Rice
109. Orange Marmalade
110. Baked Beans
111. Pepper
112. Salt
113. Trocomere
114. Herbomare
115. BelVita
116. Milk Coffee Biscuits
117. Chips (crisps)
118. Rocket
119. Lemon
120. Lemon Juice
121. Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice
122. Grapefruit Juice
123. Red Capsicum (vom)
124. Yellow Capsicum (no)
125. Green Capsicum (ew).

What food and drinks would you need for a Zombie Apocalypse?

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Day 124: February 20

Profile Me (ACMI); Candice Breitz's Exhibition, The Character.
My answers to The Sisters Hayes' questions:

  1. What did you (or do you) want to be when you grow up?
    I want to do something that I love and benefits someone else in some way. I'd like to write or draw or sculpt or fight for justice in a courtroom. Maybe I'd like to cure people or animals and find a way to get rid of cancer
  2. How many siblings do you have and what is your birth order (oldest, middle child, youngest, only child)?
    I have two siblings, and I am the middle child. Between me and my younger sister, there are 2 years and my older sister and I, 4 and a half years.
  3. Are you doing what you love with your life? Why or Why not?
    Not as yet, because school life calls me. But as soon as I'm out, I want to do something I love. Something that I'll wake up every morning to and go, "YES, I'M DOING THIS"; something that brings me joy.  
  4. What is your favourite hobby or past time? Is this something you prefer to do alone or with others and why?
    Reading. I do this by myself and I like reading in a quiet environment with no noise in the background. Books let you escape into all sorts of worlds and live other peoples lives for just that short amount of time. 
  5. What is the most embarrassing song on your iPod that you do not want to delete?
    iYiYiY - Cody Simpson. I don't even like it, but it's not going anywhere.
  6. Describe an important place to you. Include things like what season or time of day it is. Also let us know of any important smells or colours you associate with that place.
    My bedroom. I love my room in winter, when it's just the right temperature and the blinds are up and I can see out, but people can't see in. My rooms smell is that it doesn't have a smell, or maybe sometimes it smells of impulse. My room is a rainbow - it's covered with every kind of colour you could imagine; every shade of black, white and grey. 
  7. What three things do you ‘feel you need’ to carry with you (other than your phone, wallet or keys)?
    My Ipod  my headphones and a pen. My Ipod and headphones to listen to music and a pen because you always need a pen and no-one ever has one. 
  8. What fictional character do you most identify with and why?
    Adam from [the movie] 50/50. When he gets the caner, people didn't know how to act around him. They'd tiptoe around the issue and be extra-sweet. They'd reassure him and tell him 'it was all going to be okay'. I can identify with that. My ankle injury is his cancer and people are always fluffing. "It's going to be okay". "You'll be fine". Sometimes, I just want someone to tell me how bad it is, I want to have a good blame-game session, and for someone to say that maybe it won't be better, or maybe someone could tell me how well I'm coping.  
  9. What book OR movie do you enjoy reading/watching over and over again?
    Love Actually [movie]. This is my favourite movie and it makes me feel happy and everytime I watch it, I notice new, different, exciting things. I can quote more the next time I watch and I pretend to be surprised when one person gets with another. 
  10. Describe something you wear that makes you feel confident, happy or powerful.
    My Magen David/Star of David necklace. I always wear it (except for basketball games) and it makes me feel as if I'm apart of something bigger and that people will always will be there for me. It also makes me feel happy because it reminds me of my aunts, who gave it to me, who in turn remind me of my family.  
Lauren /

Unfortunately I cannot post a picture on here because it's not working, so here is a link to a picture of myself:


One hundred and twenty four things to ask yourself when making/describing a character:1. Girl, boy, other?
2. What age are they?
3. Straight, gay, undecided, pan sexual, bisexual etc?.
4. Social butterfly?
5. Doesn't like people

6. Do they have a mother and a father? 
7. Or do they just have one parent? 
8. What about siblings? One, two three? Girl, boy, other? Ages?
9. Favorrite colour?
10. Favourite shape

11. Favourite place and why?
12. Favourite book?
13. Favourite non-related person?
14. Do they have any pets?
15. Do they live at home with the parentals?
16. Do they live in a sharehouse?

17. Do they live by themselves?
18. Are their teeth stained yellow from cigarettes?
19. Are they totally against smoking? 

20. Do they currently have a job? 
21. Do they love or hate their job?
22. Are they unemployed?
23. Are they skinny/fat/average?
24. Tall/short/medium?
25. Do they want to lose weight? 

26. Any girlfriend/boyfriend/other? 
27. Are they married?
28. Are they happily married? 

29. How did they get proposed to?
30. If they're not married, how do they want to get proposed to?
31. What is the best quality for preferred sex?
32. Do they prefer shorts or long pants?
33. Black or white?
34. Are their teeth straight? 

35. Were they born with straight teeth, or have they had braces?
36. Have they ever had an affair?
37. Any piercings?
38. Any tattoos?
39. Do they want any piercings/tattoos?
40. Favourite TV show?
41. Food you hate the most

42. Have they ever been on a diet?
43. Most rebellious thing they've ever done

44. Small or big hands?
45. What's their biggest fear?
46. Do they know the scientific name for their fear?

47. Is their hair curly?
48. Is their hair straight?
49. Do they ever straighten it/curl it?
50. What year level at school are they in?

51. Did they drop out/have plans of dropping out?
52. Do they crack their knuckles?
53. Would they prefer to be a fashion designer or teacher?
54. Do they like nail polish?
55. Favourite colour t-shirt to wear?

56. Do they want kids?
57. How many kids?
58. Are their lips big or small?

59. Do they have a lip piercing?
60. Do they have an injuries? Where?
61. Ever been in a crash of any sort?
62. Ever had a crush on a close friend? Was this friend a girl or boy?
63. Do they have a belly ring?

64. Can they hula hoop?
65. Do they have any genetic diseases in their family?
66. If yes, what are they? 
67. If no, do you know if any of your family members have ever been sick, mentally or physically?
68. Whats their email address?

69. Favourite girls name
70. Favourite middle name for a boy 
71. Favourite branch of science?
72. Are their eyes close together or do they sit apart?
73. Do they need glasses?

74. Do they wear contact lenses
75. Is there a special piece of jewellery in their life?
76. Do they prefer laptops or PCs
77. Swimming or running?
78. Favourite sport to watch? 
79. Ultimate dream 
80. Ultimate break-up factor
81. Favourite letter

82. Do they shave or wax or neither?
83. Have they ever had a mani/pedi?
84. Do they wear a bikini/one piece or a tankini?
85. Do they prefer soft or hard cover books?
86. Would they prefer to ride a camel or a donkey?

87. Dream destination 
88. Favourite subject at school?
89. Best subject at school
90. Any annoying habits?

91. Bra size (girls) 
92. Underwear size
93. What do they think of horse racing?
94. Opinions on gay marriage? 
95. Left or right handed?96. Do they know anyone who has committed suicide?
97. Do they know anyone that was adopted? Were they adopted?
98. Most trusted person in their life

99. First memory 
100. QWERTY keyboard or a 1abc keyboard?101. Can they touch type?
102. Brown or black hair on preferred sex?
103. Are they tan or pale?

104. Have they ever had their teeth whitened?
105. Do they use an electric toothbrush?
106. Do they floss? How often?
107. Shower or bath?

108. Do they prefer Macdonalds or KFC?
109. Best home cooked meal?    
110. What is their ONE defining feature?

111. Do they have long or short nails?
112. Were they bullied as a child?
113. Were they ever the bully?
114. Are they dyslexic?

115. Do they have synesthesia?
116. Have they ever used an ouija board?
117. Do they know sign language?
118. Have they had their first kiss?
119. If yes, where was it? What was it like? If no, where do they imagine it'll be?

120. What kind of wedding theme do they want? 
121. Are they colour blind? What kind of colour blindness?
122. Do they smile with teeth or without teeth?

123. Do they sweat often/easily?
124. Name?

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Day 123: February 19

Today marks the:
-Day of my friend's 15th birthday. He's very excited for the stream of MA movies that follow
-Day before my swimming carnival
-Day that I realised that if I go on Central, I won't be here for the 192nd day (which is halfway) of the blog (if I'm still going by then!) *sad face*
-19th day of the month
-Day I made a(n) ABBA shirt for my carnival (Swedish theme for my house). It has A(backwards)B on the front and BA on the back in yellow and blue material. I even used my fantastic sewing skills to sew them on.
Wasn't half bad.

One hundred and twenty three (123) facts about my house
1. We have ten rooms
2. My two sister and I all have desperate bedrooms
3. I used to share with my younger issuer
4. Our dog sleeps in my parents room, in her bed
5. We have a front and a back garden
6. The walls are a cream/white colour
7. The kitchen is joined with the living ro
8. We have two computers
9. We have a fold-out couch
10. We have a car port
11. The guinea pigs live in a cage in the front garden
12. We have paint on the pavement in the front of our house
13. This is my third house
14. We have lived here for about 6.5 years
15. We have two lemon trees
16. There's a trampoline in the backyard
17. We have a basketball ring
18. We have two sheds
19. We have a few daisy trees
20. We have many rose bushes
21. We have a hanging basket
22. My older sister's room is the biggest bedroom
23. I have the smallest bedroom
24. My walls are covered with animal pictures, a couple of posters, words, quotes and artwork
25. We have artwork up and down our passage
26. We have a piano
27. Our kitchen is blue
28. There are floorboards in all the rooms, except my older sisters and the bathrooms
29. We have two bathrooms
30. One bathroom has a shower/toilet together
31. The other one is split into two unconnected rooms - shower,bath and sink in one and toilet in the other
32. My dad added the toilet in the first bathroom
33. The bathrooms are also blue
34. We have many rugs, mostly from Turkey
35. We have two TVs
36. Our chairs are covered in blue
37. We have a sideboard
38. Our furniture is wooden, save the lounge suite
39. A lot of our furniture is from Ikea
40. We have a small pantry
41. We have a mixmaster/Kenwood
42. My cupboard is blue
43. My sisters and I are pretty equal for messiness
44. Our backyard is quarter paved, three quarters grass
45. We live on a street with speed bumps
46. We have a hedge
47. We have a side gate
48. Our bikes are kept at the front
49. We have two door handles
50. We don't have a welcome mat
51. I have a wall of windows
52. My older sister has a glass door wall
53. We have a magnolia tree
54. We had our fence replaced last year
55. I have blinds in my bedroom
56. The rest of the house has curtains
57. Some of the house have cream curtains
58. The other bit have blue curtains
59. I used to have curtains
60. We used to have carpet, my dad room it away
61. Our fridge is quite new
62. Our vacuum cleaner is about 2 weeks old
63. Our toaster and kettle are both metal
64. We keep our tomato sauce in the fridge
65. I have a rainbow carpet on my floor
66. I have a corner desk
67. My little sister has a whiteboard
68. My older sister has a mini blackboard
69. My parents have an ensuite bathroom
70. My older sisters room used to be a study
71. Our glass table has a slightly broken leg
72. Our wooden table is extendable
73. I have a different chair to everyone else in my room
74. We have a black computer chair
75. Our sleeper couch is blue
76. My door is blue
77. We have a 'half-moon' table
78. We have a lizard bowl
79. We have a coffee table
80. My older sister or my mom have the most clothes
81. My drawers are white
82. The entry hall is tiled
83. We have a giant picture of London up
84. We have central heating
83. Our air conditioning is new
84. We grow chilies
85. We grow passion fruit
86. Our snow peas died
87. We had snap dragons at one stage
88. Our doors have glass 'windows' in them
89. The dog door goes through the laundry
90. We have four fly doors
91. We have a billtong box
92. We have an undercover washing line
93. My dad made the undercover washing line
94. We have a sort of patio
95. Our sort of patio is green
96. My little sister's bedroom, my bedroom and my parents bedroom are at the end of the house
97. We have two keyholes
98. We have four steps leading up to the front door
99. The front door is green and cream
100. There are two steps from the laundry to outside
101. There are three steps from the main door to outside
102. We have a couch and two chairs in or lounge suite
103. My older sister has two bookshelves
104. I have lanterns in my room
105. I have a signed poster of Jacqueline Wilson in my room
106. We all have full-length mirrors in our bedrooms
107. We have a wii
108. The wii is mine - I got it for a batmitzvah present
109. We own about 7 DVDs
110. We have a heap of CDs
111. My cupboard handles ate dark blue
112. Our piano is light brown
113. We have a mat under our computer chairs to stop them from scratching our floors
114. My parents bed base has drawers
115. Our ironing board is kept in the laundry
116. The laundry has a giant picture of the Eurythmics
117. We have a picture my mom drew of the Notre Dame on our wall
118. We have my 'photoshoot' picture
119. Above the main computer, there is a compilation of family photos
120. We recently took the pin board down
121. Our microwave table has a draw which is covered by a tablecloth
122. Both my sisters and I have radio/CD players
123. My bed is actually two bed son top of one another.

House or home?
Home I say.

Monday 18 February 2013

Day 122: February 18

Have you seen the I write sins not tragedies by Panic! At The Disco video clip? Because if you haven't, open up [a] YouTube tab/video and watch it. One day, I will be in something like that. It's so wacky and cool and amazing and fun and wow, those costumes and can I be in it please? And have you seen the makeup and the glitter and the stripy pants and the guy on stilts? And also the hair and the dancing and also when you sign in, why didn't you close the goddamn door?

One hundred and twenty two science-related words:
1. Helium
2. Hydrogen
3. Cells
4. Atoms
5. DNA
6. Eco System
7. Kingdom
8. Lithium
9. Sugar Phosphates
10. Egg
11. Gametes
12. Sperm
13. Biology
14. Psychology
15. Psychics
16. Chemistry
17. Boron
18. Periodic Table
19. Element
20. Carbon
21. Order
22. Stem
23. Experiments
24. Practical Reports
25. Alleles
26. Siamese Twins
27. Punnet Table
28. X chromosome
29. Y chromosome
30. XY chromosome
31. XX chromosome
32. Genotype
33. Phenotype
34. Reflection
35. Static Electricity
36. Positive Terminal
37. Negative Terminal
38. Series
39. Parallel
40. Circuit
41. Load
42. Sieve
43. Xylem
44. Phloem
45. Transpiration
46. Transportation
47. Mitosis
48. Meiosis
49. Concave
50. Convex
51. Contagious
52. Non-Cobtagious
53. Nitrogen
54. Balanced Equations
55. Non-Balanced Equations
56. H2O
57. Gene
58. Nucleus
59. Veins
60. Spinal Chord
61. Nerves
62. Van Der Graph Generator
63. Stoma
64. Molecules
65. Adenine
66. Bleach
67. Radiation
68. Convection
69. Homogenous
70. Non-Homogenous
71. Diabetes
72. Virus
73. Protozoa
74. Hertz
75. Oxygen
76. Fluorine
77. Fluoride
78. Neon
79. Aluminum
80. Sulfur
81. Magnesium
82. Test Tubes
83. Beakers
84. NH3
85. Ions
86. Characteristics
87. Radioactive Material
88. Geology
89. Metamorphic
90. Igneous
92. Sedimentary
93. Centrifuge
94. Hypothesis
95. Materials
96. Method
97. If/When Statement
98. Results
99. Table
100. Discussion
101. Questions
102. Sodium
103. Sodium Hydroxide
104. Safety Goggles
105. Lab Coat
106. Bunsen Burner
107. Bunsen Burner Mats
108. Test Tube Holders
109. 21st chromosome
110. Somatic Cells
111. Sex Cells
112. Body Cells
113. Colour Blindness
114. Dominant
115. Recessive
116. Cystic Fibrosis
117. Carrier
118. AIDS
119. Obesity
120. Mosquito
121. Dengue Fever
122. Capillaries

I bet you can guess what type of science we're doing now...

Sunday 17 February 2013

Day 121: February 17

I feel like I want to jump up and down with excitement.
I feel like I want to yell at someone and then use really great comebacks which have LOTS AND LOTS of sarcasm in because its fun to use sarcasm against people.
My hands are shaking (which has been happening more recently) and it's pissing me off.
I feel like ripping down all my posters and starting over
But I'm out of ideas (and I will also regret ripping them later)
I feel like I want to change the world.
I want to do something
Make a change
I don't know
Do something so I'm someone's inspiration
Be inspired by things
Do something that would shock people
Do something that would shock myself
Stop sounding like a 30 year old wanna-be that never was.

One hundred and twenty one Glee characters
1. Rachel
2. Kurt
3. Blaine
4. Mr Schue
5. Finn
6. Quinn
7. Santana
8. Terri
9. Shelby (Rachel's biological mom)
10. Britney
11. Mike
12. Tina
13. Kitty
14. Marley
15. Jake
16. Lauren
17. Artie
18. Burt Hummel
19. Carole Hudson
20. Sue
21. Becky
22. Puck
23. Sam
24. Hunter (Warblers)
25. Principal Figgins
26. Jesse St James
27. Beth
28. Coach Beiste
29. Dave Korofsky
30. Sugar
31. Mercedes
32. Emma Pilsbury
33. Carl
34. Coach Tenaka
35. Wade Unique Adams
36. Azimio
37. Jacob Ben Israel
38. Rory Flannagan
39. Joe
40. Ryder
41. Matt
42. Hank Saunders
43. Suzy Pepper
44. Shane Tinesly
45. Rick Nelson
46. Cooter
47. Sue Washington
48. Roz Washington
49. Holly Holliday
50. Sandy
51. Henri St Pierre
52. Brenda Castle
53. Brad Ellis
54. Nancy Belithm
55. Mrs Hagberg
56. David Martinez
57. Sunshine
58. Dustin Goolsby
59. Harmony
60. Grace Hitchens
61. Dalton Rumba
62. Sebastian
63. Carmen Tibadeux
64. Dakota Stanley
65. Wes
66. David
67. Thad
68. Nick
69. Jeff
70. Trent
71. Kendra (Terri's sister)
72. Phil
73. Ethan
74. Aidan
75. Ben
76. Dr. Wu
77. Millie Rose
78. Jean Sylvester
79. Mr. Schuster Sr
80. Mrs. Schuster
81. Russell Fabray
82. Judy Fabray
83. Donna Jackson
84. Mrs Sylvester Sr
85. Paul Karofsky
86. Julia Chang
87. Mile Chang Sr
88. Rose Pilsbury
89. Rusty Pilsbury
90. Maribel Lopez
91. Hiram Berry
92. LeRoy Berry
93. Cooper Anderson
94. Rob Adams
95. Betty Adams
96. Rod Remington
97. April Rhodes
98. Bryan Ryan
99. Josh Groban
100. Olivia Newton-John
101. Tammy Jean Albertson
102. Sister Mary Constance
103. Lindsay Lohan
104. Perez Hilton
105. Chicago Alderman
106. Howard Bamboo
107. Andrea Carmichael
108. Dr. Shane
109. Cassandra July
110. Brody
111. Isabella Wright
112. Adam Crawford
113. Mrs Puckerman
114. Mr Evans
115. Mrs Evans
116. John Lock
117. Scott Henson
118. Spencer Conley
119. Mark Nilan Jr
120. Elaine
121. Lord Tubbington

Saturday 16 February 2013

Day 120: February 16

if you have twitter and follow John Green, go onto his profile and see what he tweeted re THE FAULT IN OUR STARS
If you don't follow him, go now. FOLLOW HIM.
And, if, like me, you don't have twitter, this was his tweet about THE FAULT IN OUR STARS:
"Big news is forthcoming in re The Fault In Our Stars movie. THIS HAS BEEN A VERY EXCITING COUPLE OF DAYS.


Also, today I was at Savers (a massive charity shop) and there were two people behind me in the trying-on line and the lady was like 'ugh, we should've gone to the greensborough one, this was has been overtaken by hipsters'.
Well alright then.

One hundred and twenty words that rhyme with loo:
1. Brew
2. Blue
3. Boo
4. Sue
5. Blew
6. Chew
7. Rue
8. Too
9. Roo
10. Kangaroo
11. Few
12. Coo
13. Flew
14. Coup
15. Ew (best word!)
16. View
17. Zoo
18. Through
19. Threw
20. Thru
21. Do
22. Moo
23. New
24. Lieu
25. Lew
26. Phew
27. Choux
28. Shoe
29. Shoo
30. Goo
31. Grew
32. Hue
33. Stew
34. Spew
35. Slew
36. Askew
37. You
38. Whew
38. Pew
39. Sioux
40. Hoo
41. Hewe
42. Clue
43. Dew
44. Ewe
45. Foo
46. Gnu
47. Que
48. Cue
49. Screw
50. To
51. Canoe
52. Cockatoo
53. Debut
54. Cuckoo
55. Cashew
56. Emu
57. Fondue
58. Kazoo
59. Into
60. Breakthrough
61. Corkscrew
62. Aircrew
63. Anew
64. Mildew
65. Outdo
66. Redo
67. Peru
68. Shampoo
69. Statue
70. Snowshoe
71. Review
72. Taboo
74. Tattoo
75. Wahoo
76. Lakeview
77. Outgrew
78. Rescue
79. Undo
80. Hindu
81. Hairdo
82. Avenue
83. Jiujitsu
84. Hitherto
85. Barbeque
86. Caribou
87. Overdo
88. Tiramisu
89. Hullabaloo
90. Revalue
91. Overthrew
92. Timbuktu
93. Revenue
94. Honeydew
95. Interview
96. Unglue
97. Untrue
98. Urdu
99. Yahoo
100. Zulu
101. Subdue
102. Horseshoe
103. Amadou
104. Marabou
105. Overdrew
106. Imbue
107. Rendezvous
108. Devalue
109. Misconstrue
110. Ingenue
111. Bugaboo
112. Ballyhoo
113. Babu
114. Ado
115. Bellevue
116. U
117. Fescue (Rescue with an R?)
118. Eschew
119. Hutu
120. Guangzhou

Prepare for an onslaught of hot weather with a cool change on Wednesday. Only three more days of sweating through life. Woo!!!

Friday 15 February 2013

Day 119: February 15
CLICK ON THIS LINK. IF NOT NOW, DO IT LATER. It's really awesome and if your parents are there, don't worry, because it's not a rude thing. It's called Lost Generation and it's a reversible poem. If you've heard of it, click on the link. If you haven't heard of it, click on it. (And if you saw the word POEM and went 'ew gross', and then zoned on, do me a favour and watch it. If you hate it, you never have to watch it, but I am 99.77% sure you will love it or at least think it's cool).

One hundred and nineteen historical events (in order) referred to in We didn't start the fire by Billy Joel:
1. Harry Truman
2. Doris Day
3. Red China
4. Johnnie Ray
5. South Pacific
6. Walter Winchell
7. Joe DiMaggio
8. Joe McCarthy
9. Richard Nixon
10. Studebaker
11. Television
12. North Korea
13. South Korea
14. Marilyn Monroe (
15. The Rosenbergs (woo)
16. H-Bomb
17. Sugar Ray Robinson
18. Penmunjom
19. Brando [Marlon]
20. The King and I
21. The Catcher in the Rye 
22. Eisenhower [Dwight D.]
23. Vaccine
24. England's got a new queen
25. Marciano [Ricky]
26. Liberace
27. Santayana goodbye
28. Joseph Stalin
29. Malenkov [Georgy Maksimilianovich]
30. Nasser [Gamal Abdel]
31. Prokofiev [Sergei]
32. Rockefeller [Winthrop]
33. Campanella [Roy]
34. Communist Bloc
35. Roy Cohn
36. Juan Peron
37. Toscanini [Arturo]
38. Dacron
39. Dien Bien Phu falls
40. Rock around the clock
41. Einstein [Albert]
42. James Dean  
43. Brooklyn's got a winning team
44. Davy Crockett
45. Peter Pan
46. Elvis Presley
47. Disneyland
48. Bardot [Brigitte]
49. Budapest
50. Alabama
51. Khrushchev [Nikita]
52. Princess Grace [Kelly]
53. Peyton Place 
54. Trouble in the Suex
55. Little Rock
56. Pasternak [Boris]
57. Mickey Mantle
58. Kerouac [Jack]
59. Sputnik
60. Chou-En-Lai
61. Bridge on the River Kwai 
62. Lebanon
63. Charles de Gaulle
64. California baseball
65. Starkweather, homicides
66. Children of Thalidomide
67. Buddy Holly
68. Ben-Hur 
69. Space Monkey
70. Mafia
71. Hula Hoops
72. Casto [Fidel]
73. Edsel is a no-go
74. U-2
75. Syngman Rhee
76. Payola
77. Kennedy [John F.]
78. Chubby Checker
79. Psycho
80. Belgians in the Congo
81. Hemingway [Ernest]
82. Eichmann [Adolf]
83. Stranger in a Strange Land 84. Dylan [Bob]
85. Berlin
86. Bay of Pigs Invasion
87. Lawrence of Arabia 
88. British Beatlemania
89. Ole' Miss
90. John Glenn
91. Liston beats Patterson
92. Pope Paul (VI)
93. Malcolm X
94. British politician sex
95. JFK blown away
96. Birth control
97. Ho Chi Minh
98. Richard Nixon back again
99. Monshot
100. Woodstock
101. Watergate
102. Punk rock
103. Begin [Menachem]
104. Reagan [Ronald]
[1976] - Items from 1977 come before items from 1976 to make the song scan
105. Palestine
106. Terror on the airline
107. Ayatollah's [in] Iran
108. Russians in Afghanistan
109. Wheel of Fortune 110. Sally Ride
111. Heavy Metal Suicide
112. Foreign Debts
113. Homeless Vets
114. AIDS
115. Crack [Cocaine]
116. Bernie Goetz
117. Hypodermics on the shore
118. China's under martial law
1189. Rock-and-roller cola wars

It was written because Billy Joel wanted to be a history teacher. Fast fact of the day, everyone.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Day 118: February 14

Valentines Days quite cute
If you've got yourself a man
Otherwise quit complaining
And make yourself a plan

Grab your lippy and gloss
Chuck on a dress
Put on your heels
Get ready to impress

Guys, get a tie
Or jeans and a tee
Just don't do jeans and runners
That definitely will not please

Dance the night away
Eat the finger food
And someone asks to dance
Go on, don't be rude

Before the night is over
You'll have yourself a date
But if you just got rejected
Next year is your mate

(okay not my best work, but I just did it on the spot and it was fun).

Here's another (written on the 30.06.2012)

The Perfect Man:

The perfect man is sweet
The perfect man is kind
The perfect man does chores
The perfect man's refined

The perfect man has class
And manners like a king
The perfect man is friendly
And loves to make you grin

The perfect man is patient
He'll forever wait for you
The perfect man is gentle
And always knows what to do

But ladies clear your paper
and begin a new list
Because as you may know
The perfect man does simply NOT exist

(Written by myself as a 15 year old).

People go on and on about Valentine's Day being stupid while other people love it. I think it's cute, slightly weird and can people stop complaining that they're gonna be forever alone. If you carry on like that, yes you will be.

One hundred and eighteen [corny] pick up lines (in celebration of February 14th: 1. If you were in Transformers, you'd be Optimus FINE
2. Are you a ticket because you've got fine written all over you
3. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
4. Are you from space? Because you're OUT OF THIS WORLD
5. Do you have a library card because I wanna check you out!
6. Are you a tamale because you're damn hot
7. If sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged
8. Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me
9. I've lost my number, can I have yours?
10. Are your feet tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day
11. Do you have a map because I'm lost in your eyes
12. Are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see (awks if they're from Tennessee)
13. Hi I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me
14. Is your dad a baker because I like your buns
15. Is your dad a terrorist, because you're DA BOMB (slightly offending...)
16. Do have a band aid because I hurt myself when I fell for you
17. The word of the day is legs. Let's go back to my place and spread the word (my favorite line ever. One day, one day... >.<)
18. You turn my software into hardware
19. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together
20. I hope you know CPR because you took my breath away
21. If you were a burger, you'd be the McGorgeous
22. Are you Jamaican? Because Jamaican me crazy! (don't use this if they ARE actually Jamaican)
23. If you were a booger, I'd pick you first
24. Is there an airport nearby or is that my wary taking off?
25. Are you an earthquake, because you just rocked my world
26. Are you a magnet because I'm attracted to you
27. I hope there's a fireman around, because you're smokin'
28. Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? (this is amazing. If you don't get it, like when I first heard it, GOOGLE it)
29. Is your name Summer because you are HOT
30. I love every bone in your body, especially mine
31. Was your dad a farmer because you sure have great melons
32. Hi my name is Pogo, wanna jump on my stick?
33. Are you a beaver? Cause DAMMM (wow, I love this)
34. Are you related to Yoda? Because Yodalicious
35. There's a party in my pants and you're invited
36. Are you made of snow? Because I'd plow you all day
37. Did you buy your pants on sale? Because at my house, they'd be 100% off
38. Can I Slytherin?
39. Have you heard of platform 9 and 3/4? Because I can think of something else with those measurements
40. You look tired, do you want to rest your legs on my shoulders?
41. As baseball players, we know our ways around the bases
42. Baby if you were words on a page, you would be what they call fine print
43. The dress is very becoming on you. If I were on you, I'd be coming too
44. Is your dad an art thief because you're a masterpiece
45. Can I have your picture because I want to show Santa what I want for Christmas
46. If kisses were snowflakes, I'd send you a blizzard
47. I've got skittles in my mouth, wanna taste the rainbow
48. You're so sweet you could put Hershey's out of business
49. Heaven's missing an angel
50. Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic Ocean and baby, I'm lost at sea
51. It's a good thing I wore gloves today otherwise you'd be too hot to handle
52. I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you
53. Hey I didn't know that angels flew this low
54. Are you a light switch because you turn me on!
55. Can you please step away from the bar. You're melting all the ice
56. Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
57. You're so hot you would make the devil sweat
58. If you were a laser you would be set on stunning
59. Girl you're like a car accident, I just can't look away (careful, they might take this the wrong way XD)
60. Is your name Mickey because you're FINE
61. You're so hot you made the sun envious
62. You're so hot like a sunrise (AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE)
63. Vogue called, they want you on the cover
64. If women were trophies, you'd be first place
65. I'd you're advertising, I'm buying
66. You look cold, want to use me as a blanket?
67. I want to live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way
68. You shouldn't wear any makeup! You're messing with perfection
69. If I had a star for everytime you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand
70. I was wondering if you had an extra heart because mine seems to have been stolen
71. If this bar is the meat market, you must be prime cut
72. My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in
73. Would you grab my hand so I can tell my friends I was touched by an angel
74. Hey didn't I see your name under Shazaam?
75. There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you
76. Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary?
77. Do you believe in love at fear sight or should I walk by again
78. Are you Willy Wonka's daughter because you look sweet and delicious
79. I'm new in town, can you give me directions to your apartment
80. Was your father an alien because there is nothing like you on this Earth
82. Baby I'm no Fred Flinstone, but I can make your bedrock
83. My name isn't Elmo, but you can tickle me any time you want to
84. You must be from Pearl Harbour, cuz baby you're the bomb
85. You must be a snickers because you really satisfy me
86. Are you a dictionary because you add meaning to my life
87. Are you religious because you are the answer to all my prayers
88. Was there a rainbow today because I think I just found the pot of gold
89. I have an 'owie' on my lip. Will you kiss it an make it better?
90. Let's make like a fabric softener and 'snuggle'
91. Well I am here. What are your other two wishes?
92. Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
93. Girl, if I were a fly, I would be all over you because you're the shit
94. Stop, drop and roll baby, cuz you are on fire
95. Baby, you're so hot, you make the equator look like the north pole
96. Come live in my heart an pay no rent
97. This isn't a beer belly, it's a fuel tank for a love machine
98. Do you have any sunscreen because you are burning me up
99. You're hotter than donut grease
100. If you were a steak, you would be well done
101. Do you work at Subway? Because you just gave me a footlong
102. Hi I'm a astronaut and my next mission is to explore Uranus
103. If your left leg is Thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas, can I visit you in between the holidays?
104. Are those space pants because your ass is out of this world
105. Does your dad own a dairy company because you've got a nice set of jugs
106. Do you come with coffee and cream because you're my sugar
107. I must be lost. I thought paradise was further south
108. There's only one thing I want to change about you and that's your last name
109. I was blinded by your beauty So I'm going to need your name and number for insurance purposes
110. Are you a pirate because I want your booty
111. Why has 148 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper
112. Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money
113. I enjoy doing maintenance and sometimes I'm at the south end
114. Who needs Care Bears when you have me
115. I bet you $20 you're gonna turn me down
116. Is that a ladder in your pants? Or a stairway to heaven?
117. I'd marry your car just to get into the family
118. Are you cold? You look like you could use some hot chocolate... Here I am!

Wow, some of these are!!
Okay I'm really really sorry for not posting this yesterday. I had done 99% of it and the I had to have dinner, so I was like 'oh I'll finish it later' and then I completely forgot, so here it is now and now for todays entry....

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Day 117: February 13

I hate cancer. I absolutely hate it with everything I have. It tears people apart and wrecks families. Children lose their mothers and fathers, grandparents lose their kids, kids lose their siblings, parents lose their children and people lose their friends.
Today, a 5 year old kid lost his life because of lymph cancer. RIP Shane <3 data-blogger-escaped-br=""> He was just 5. He hadn't experienced school or what it was like to run on a timetable. He didn't yet understand the news properly or know how to read full length novels.
Cancer took all this away from him. It came, it conquered, it left.
In the past couple of months, 5 people that I know have been diagnosed with cancer. Only one has passed away and only one is related to me (great aunt). 5 people. That's huge.
I think it would be the scariest thing to be told that you have a disease and there is only some chance of fixing it and it an if that chance doesn't work, you're pretty much gonna die.
Three forms of media to watch/read (relating to cancer):
The fault in our stars by John Green. This is my favourite book. I even cried. This book is written in the POV of Grace who meets the other main character Augustus at a cancer support group. Their story seems so real and so gut-wrenching; it's like you're there with them. (okay, that was possibly the worst summary EVER of this book, but I swear this is the most perfect book and I literally beg you to read it)
50/50. I watched this yesterday and cried. You must understand that I NEVER cry in movies and the last movie I cried in was Charlotte's Web when the spider died. This is based on a true story about a 27 year old's battle with spinal cancer. The main character is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who is one of my favourite actors), the best friend is played by Seth Rogen and the girls are Bryce Dallas Howard (from Twilight) and Anna Kendrick (who is a perfect human being). His journey is so real and scary. This character's cancer is so rare, yet Joseph GL manages to display emotions that people, like myself, can identify with. Truly perfect. (Okay, so we know that I suck at summaries, but please, please watch this)
My sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. I recommended this book and movie, although I'm a believer in book before movie (although reverse is good too). This movie is told through Anna's point of view and the book through multiple point of views. Now Anna is not the sick one, Kate is. Kate is Anna's older sister and Anna was born out of a test tube just so she could help her sister. She was made with the correct bone marrow, with the perfect amount of cells and the same blood type. But this story doesn't fully focus on Kate's sickness. It focuses more on Anna and her quest. (Now I don't want to say what her quest is, in case you want to read/watch it and it will spoil it). But I will say this: it isn't what you expect and the movie and book endings are different. Also the girl who plays Kate, Sofia Vassilieva is bloody amazing.

I'm not a religious person, but thank god/jesus/allah/the higher power (Tom cruise) for letting me not have cancer.

One hundred and seventeen lollies/gum/chocolate brands/names:

1. Airheads
2. Gummy Bears
3. Jolly Ranchers
4. Fun Dip
5. Candy Canes
6. Bazooka Bubble Gum
7. 5 Gum
8. Aero
9. Boost
10. Andes Mints
11. Butterfinger
12. Boston Baked Beans
13. Candy Corns
15. Bottlecaps
16. Milk Bottles
17. Sherbet Sticks
18. Kit Kat
19. Krackel Chocolate Bar
20. Extra Gum
21. Dum Dum Pops
22. Cow Tales
23. Gobstopper
24. Dots
25. Circus Peanuts
26. Clark Bar
27. Gushers
28. Good & Plenty
29. Hershey's Kisses
30. Twinkies
31. Jawbreakers
32. Black Licorice
33. Red Licorice
34. Green Licorice
35. Jelly Beans
36. Jelly Bellies
37. JuJu Bes
38. Lemonheads
39. Lifesavers (ironically, these are probably easy to choke on)
40. Boiled sweets
41. Ice Blue Mints
42. Ice Breakers
43. Idaho Spud
44. Lollipops
45. The Giant Lollipops (That I keep FOREVER and then never end up eating them)
46. Milky Ways
47. Milky Way Stars
48. Milky Way Strawberry
49. M&M's
50. Smarties
51. Skittles
52. Skittles Sour
53. Pop Rocks
54. Pay Day
55. Pez
56. Nerds
57. Necco Wafers
58. P.S. I Love You bars
59. Lindt Chocolate Balls
60. Now or Later
61. Hot Tamales
62. Raisanets
63. Ring Pops
64. Swedish Fish
65. Marshmallows
66. Pascal Swirls (HAVE A PASCAL SWIRL)
67. Marshmallow Mice
68. Marshmallow Fish
69. Rolo
70. Reese's Pieces
71. Reese's Buttercups
72. Razzles
73. Runts
74. Twizzlers (my life)
75. Slap Stix
76. Sweet Hearts
77. C n C's
78. Skor
79. Lolly Snakes
80. Gummy Pineapples
81. Strawberry Kisses
82. Milk Bottles
83. Tootsie Rolls
84. Nik Naks
85. Twix
86. Toblerone
87. Tiny Tarts
88. Laffy Taffy
89. Tic Tac
90. Toffee
91. Tootsie Pops
92. Trident Gum
93. Violet Crumble
94. Whoppers
95. Whatchamacallit (chocolate bar)
96. Warheads
97. Ghost Drops
98. Sour Straps
99. Freckles
100. Wrigley's Gum
101. Peppermint Crisp
102. Cherry Ripe (vom)
103. Crown Caramels
104. Licorice Allsorts
105. Freddo Frogs
106. Caramello Bears
107. Mars Bars
108. Toffee Apple
109. Bubble Tape
110. Musk Sticks
111. Dream
112. Snickers
113. Conversation Hearts (these are so cute <3)
114. Candy Necklace
115. Push Pops
116. Mentos
117. Starbursts


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Day 116: February 12

Everyone is seriously pissing me off about the whole Taylor Swift thing.
If you don't know what's happening/live under a rock, Taylor Swift sang We are never ever getting back together at the Grammys. She sang the bit 'and I still love you' in a British accent, which was meant to imitate Harry Styles from One Direction (well that's that people are saying).
People are going absolutely batshit cray cray about it. There's hashtags on twitter that are like #reasonstohatetaylor or #peoplewehate or something.
Seriously, chill.
People are like 'she deserve to die', 'oh my god, my poor baby Harry. ily <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">NO.
Leave Taylor Swift alone. If you feel offended by her music, don't listen to it. If you don't like her, don't make comments about her appearance. If you don't think she's good enough for Harry, keep it to yourself.
If it was intended for Harry, which is the most likely scenario, I don't think Harry will sit in a corner and cry himself to sleep. He is a big boy and I think he'd maybe, just maybe, be able to carry on with his life.
So whether you're a 'Harry Girl' or a SwifT, I don't care. Be nice to Taylor, don't treat Harry like he's 3 and get on with your life.

One hundred and sixteen thoughts that go through my head in an average class:
1. Is this finished yet?
2. What are we doing
3. Ew
4. My hand hurts
5. Shut up
6. I don't like you
7. I don't like you either
8. Please leave
9. How long do we have to go
10. We had homework!??
11. Do we have to
12. Ugh, groups!
13. Why couldn't you go to another school??
14. It's so hot in here
15. Let the teacher talk
16. Control the class, please teacher
17. Teacher, we don't care
18. I don't want to copy the notes
19. When's exams
20. When's the test
21. We have to remember this!??
22. I DON'T GET IT (this phrase frequents maths)
23. I understand now
24. Please help
25. I want to ask for help, but I've already asked like three times
26. Why am I here
27. Why are you here
28. When's lunch
29. When's recess
30. I'm hungry
31. What did I have for breakfast
32. Slut!
33. Her dress is really short
34. WAY too much makeup
35. Your shoelace is undone
36. Your shirt is untucked
37. Ew, look at the teachers clothes
38. Can you not?
39. When's *another class*
40. Oh shit, I have/had homework for another class
41. I like her shoes
42. Nice dress
43. Ugh, sub
44. Yay, sub
45. Can you read faster!!?
46. Please don't pick them to read
47. Do we even have to read
48. This video is boring
49. Do we have to watch this
50. Oh yay, a movie!
51. Gross, movie and notes
52. Ew, his face
53. Turn on the fan please
54. Please put on the aircon
55. I'm bored
56. Why can't I do this
57. Slow down!!
58. Go faster, I'm dying here
59. I'm really tired
60. Can I sleep now
61. What do we do when we're finished
62. I want her hair
64. Ew, her hair
65. Get your face away from me
66. Don't sit there
67. Get a bigger shirt
68. Please don't laugh so loudly
69. He's not
70. Nah, actually not really
71. Can I be her
72. Are they going out!?!
73. They would make a good couple
74. What a hole
75. Please don't rock your chair - you might fall on me
76. Polish your school shoes
77. Is it home time already
78. Your tie is done badly
79. Your eyes are pretty
80. You need glasses
81. You're nice
82. Rude person
83. RUDE! (quite common)
84. What would happen if *insert famous people/persons* walked in
85. Ew, that smells
86. I need a shower
87. Ugh, sport today
88. Ew, I have to walk home
89. How can you have your hair down!!
90. This classroom doesn't have air conditioning!!?
91. Can we just read to ourselves
92. Really *sarcastic tone*
93. What's the temperature tomorrow
94. I'm gonna fail anyway
95. *Calculates time till the period finishes*
96. *Spells out word in head*
97. Bitch
98. Peasant
99. What's for lunch?
100. Canteen time!
101. Oh yeah, you're in my class
103. I know I have *insert stationery item* here
104. Please stop speaking forever
105. Why did I come today
106. Oh, I must tell *insert person here* that!
107. Are we actually gonna learn something
108. *Tries to remember stuff*
109. WHAT!? They went out!!?
110. He needs a haircut
111. Is that natural
112. Ohhh, nice earrings
113. How far is the weekend
114. We're meant to know this?
115. Just shut up and do what the teacher says
116. Why are you sitting next to me? Please go away.