Wednesday 27 February 2013

Day 131: February 27

My dad is putting in my new whiteboard (!!) and I asked if glass was magnetic (it's a glass whiteboard). Good job Lauren.

So it seems the Internet is going through a goat phase. First there was the 'Goats that sound like humans' video my sister sent me because no-one actually knows. Then there was the 'I knew you were a goat when you walked in' remix by Taylor Swift and the goat. From there, there has been Bon Jovi and the goat collaborations, a party in the USA (Goat edition) and Dynamite featuring goats.

You goat-ta believe it.
With a whole world of goat related humor, you go for goat-ta? (reference to Harry Potter if you uncultured souls didn't know).

One hundred and thirty one extinct animals from North America:
1. American Masodon
2. American Lion
3. American Cheetah
4. Short Faced Bear
5. American Mountain Deer
6. Bison Antiquus
7. Aztlanolagus agilis
8. Bootherium Bombifrons
9. Camelops Sp
10. Campromeryx
11. Caribbean Ground Sloths (oh, I wish these were still around. Imagine the coolness of them)
12. Columbian Mammoth
13. Castoroides Leiseyorum
14. Clidomys Osborni
15. Cuon Texanus
16. Dasypus Bellus
17. Dire Wolf
18. Doedicurus clavicaudatus
19. Equus Lembei
20. Jefferson's ground sloth
21. Mylohyus
22. Panthera Onca Augusta
23. Panaamerican Ground sloth (there seems to be a lot of ground sloths)
24. Platygonus
25. Pygmy Mammoth (How Pygmy exactly??)
26. Saber Tooth cats
27. Saiga Antelopes
28. Scimitar Cats
29. Shasta Ground Sloths
30. Scott's Horse
31. Shrub Ox
32. Stag Moose
33. Stilt Legged Llama
34. Stout Legged Llama
35. Tapirus Merriami
36. Woolly Mammoth
37. Antillean Cave Rat (I Iike how this is counted as a 'recent extinction' - 1500 CE to present)
38. Corozal Rat
39. Eastern Cougar
40. Puerto Rican Shrew
41. Puerto Rican Long-Tongued Bat
42. Lesser Puerto Rican Ground Sloth (as, it's a lesser species)
43. Sherman's pocket gopher
44. Goff's pocket gopher
45. Giant deer moose
46. Gull Island Vole
47. Louisiana Vole
48. Less Puerto Rican Agouti
49. Greater Puerto Rican Agouti
50. Sea Mink
51. Caribbean Monk Seal
52. Stellar's Sea Cow
53. Smith Island Cottontail
54. Colorado Hog-nosed Skunk
55. Allen's thirteen-lines ground squirrel
56. Banks Island Wolf
57. Pygmy Rabbit
58. Arizona Wapiti
59. Antillean Giant Rice Rat
60. Eastern Elk
61. Tule Shrew
62. Arizona Jaguar
63. Southern Rocky Mountains Wolf
64. Californian Turkey
65. Giant Condor
66. Saint Croix Macaw
67. Antillean Cave Rail
68. Daggett's Eagle
69. Woodward's Eagle
70. Labrador Duck (Labrador with wings or a duck with fur?)
71. Heath Hen
72. Cuban Red Macaw
73. Spectacled Cormorant
74. Bermuda Night Heron
75. Virgin Islands Screech Owl
76. Brace's Emerald
77. Gould's Emerald
78. Great Auk
79. Grey Cayman Thrush
80. Giant Tortoise
81. Navassa Iguana
82. Navassa Curly-Tailed Lizard
83. Sulcate Blind Snake
84. Martinique Giant Ameiva
85. Saint Croix Racer
86. Navassa Island Dwarf Boa
87. Vegas Valley Leopard Frog
88. Golden Toad
89. Hidromencha Andaconda
90. Ameiva cineracea
91. Mottled Coqui
92. Web-Footed Coqui
93. Golden Coqui
94. Catahoula Salamander
95. Alberca Silverside
96. Longjaw Cisco
97. Deep water Cisco
98. Silver Trout
99. Blackfin Cisco
100. Thick tailed Chub
101. Lake Ontario Kiyi
102. Las Vegas Dace
103. Clear Lake Spittail
104. Phantom Shiner
105. Snake River Sucker
106. Blue Walleye
107. Tecopa Pupfish
108. Shoshone Pupfish
109. Raycraft Ranch Kilifish
110. Ash Meadows Kilifish
111. Banff Longnose Dace
112. Utah Lake Sculpin
113. San Marcos Gambusia
114. Harelip Sucker
115. Amistad Gambusia
116. Maryland Darter
117. Fort Ross Weevil
118. Xerces Blue
119. Central Valley Grasshopper
120. Nevada Water Mite
121. Caribbean monk seal nasal mite
122. Passenger Pigeon Mite
123. Carolina Elktoe
124. Coosa Elktoe
125. Shoal Sprite
126. Nearby Pearly mussel
127. Closed Elimia
128. Ribbed Elimia
129. Eelgrass limpet
130. Lined pocketbook
131. Round splitshell

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