Monday 18 February 2013

Day 122: February 18

Have you seen the I write sins not tragedies by Panic! At The Disco video clip? Because if you haven't, open up [a] YouTube tab/video and watch it. One day, I will be in something like that. It's so wacky and cool and amazing and fun and wow, those costumes and can I be in it please? And have you seen the makeup and the glitter and the stripy pants and the guy on stilts? And also the hair and the dancing and also when you sign in, why didn't you close the goddamn door?

One hundred and twenty two science-related words:
1. Helium
2. Hydrogen
3. Cells
4. Atoms
5. DNA
6. Eco System
7. Kingdom
8. Lithium
9. Sugar Phosphates
10. Egg
11. Gametes
12. Sperm
13. Biology
14. Psychology
15. Psychics
16. Chemistry
17. Boron
18. Periodic Table
19. Element
20. Carbon
21. Order
22. Stem
23. Experiments
24. Practical Reports
25. Alleles
26. Siamese Twins
27. Punnet Table
28. X chromosome
29. Y chromosome
30. XY chromosome
31. XX chromosome
32. Genotype
33. Phenotype
34. Reflection
35. Static Electricity
36. Positive Terminal
37. Negative Terminal
38. Series
39. Parallel
40. Circuit
41. Load
42. Sieve
43. Xylem
44. Phloem
45. Transpiration
46. Transportation
47. Mitosis
48. Meiosis
49. Concave
50. Convex
51. Contagious
52. Non-Cobtagious
53. Nitrogen
54. Balanced Equations
55. Non-Balanced Equations
56. H2O
57. Gene
58. Nucleus
59. Veins
60. Spinal Chord
61. Nerves
62. Van Der Graph Generator
63. Stoma
64. Molecules
65. Adenine
66. Bleach
67. Radiation
68. Convection
69. Homogenous
70. Non-Homogenous
71. Diabetes
72. Virus
73. Protozoa
74. Hertz
75. Oxygen
76. Fluorine
77. Fluoride
78. Neon
79. Aluminum
80. Sulfur
81. Magnesium
82. Test Tubes
83. Beakers
84. NH3
85. Ions
86. Characteristics
87. Radioactive Material
88. Geology
89. Metamorphic
90. Igneous
92. Sedimentary
93. Centrifuge
94. Hypothesis
95. Materials
96. Method
97. If/When Statement
98. Results
99. Table
100. Discussion
101. Questions
102. Sodium
103. Sodium Hydroxide
104. Safety Goggles
105. Lab Coat
106. Bunsen Burner
107. Bunsen Burner Mats
108. Test Tube Holders
109. 21st chromosome
110. Somatic Cells
111. Sex Cells
112. Body Cells
113. Colour Blindness
114. Dominant
115. Recessive
116. Cystic Fibrosis
117. Carrier
118. AIDS
119. Obesity
120. Mosquito
121. Dengue Fever
122. Capillaries

I bet you can guess what type of science we're doing now...

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