Saturday 27 April 2013

Day 174: April 27

from the newsdesk..
Skins UK (as in the TV show)

So this is my new favourite TV show.

It took me about three years to actually watch it and wow, one of the best decisions ever. For you uncultured fools out there who haven't watched it, here is probably one of the worst synopses you'll hear about it:
Skins (UK, because the US one is shit) is centred around a group of eight 17 year olds. They get high, get drunk, pop pills, get laid, manage their parents and still have to do their homework and (mostly) turn up for 'college'. (As the back of the DVD cover says), 'these kids really grab life by the balls and then give it a twist'.

As I am new to the show, here are my descriptions to help me remember the characters and who each person is:
- Chris: freckled druggie *
- Angie - teacher
- Tony - leader (Nicholas Hoult) *
- Michelle - tony's gf *
- Sid - glasses, small *
- Cassie - anorexic, emma *
- Effy - Tony's sister (Kaya Scoladero)
- Maxxie - gay *
- Anwar - Sikh? *
- Jal - black girl *
- Abigail - posh girl
- Kenneth - the friend

* These are the main eight people.

Its just really good and their accents and I just really love them and also Sid's my favourite person. But then again, Tony is really hot, but then again so are all of them. Cassie is lovely and she really reminds me of someone I know. I didn't like Michelle to begin with, but she's starting to grow on me. Jal is fiercely loyal and an awesome friend. I don't really know Maxxie and Anwar as well, but Maxxie's tap dancing skills are epic. Chris has an out-layer like a turtle and also takes lots of drugs, but his dad is a douche and I don't like him. Angie is gold, but Abigail is a bitch and she reminds me of a poodle. Effy has been in it for about 10 seconds, but Kaya Scoladerio is so pretty and unfairness. Kenneth (I think thats his name) is just a random friend I remember the name of.

I have just watched five 45 minute episodes and my thoughts are currently in a British accent. It feels like I should speak in a British accent, but when I go to it sounds weird. (Well Lauren, that does happen when thats not your natural accent). Does that happen to other people? When they're around others or they're watching something where people have an accent, do they sort of pick it up?

I just like the fact that its a teenage show, with teenage things, with teenagers portraying the characters as opposed to old people. It has that bite of realism, but not in such a stark way thats its like 'oh been there, seen that'. Its done with a sort of witty humour and in such a way that it leaves you wanting to watch more - you want to see whats going on with their lives in the next episode.

Its hard to explain why I like it so much but I do. I really do.

Its like a British SLiDE.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 173: April 23

from the newsdesk...

Sentences are made up of 21 consonants, 5 vowels, various numbers and symbols, yet they define us. Whoever said sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never harm you had issues. Words - whether they're good, bad, long or short - define us and make us who we are today.

Sentences make up the books we read. They form the notes we send to friends during the boring classes. We use symbols and shorthand to type to friends in MSN and Facebook conversations  Sometimes we may even bring this shorthand into 'real life'.

Our brain takes a whole lot of gibberish and transforms it into comprehensible sentences that we interpret and use in everyday life. Whether we like it or not, words have negative, neutral or postitive annotations. Every single thing that comes out of your mouth, is written by your pen or is typed - any way a letter is formed - can, and probably will, impact someones life.

Using 'gay' to describe things that are bad doesn't actually technically make sense, but, (to quote Macklemore), we use gay as if its synonymous with the lesser. We use the word gay - meaning either happy or liking the same sex - as an adjective with a negative connotation. I've gone to slapping my friends everytime they use the word gay to describe something thats bad. Not friendly, but quite effective. Its the same as using the word retarded, which I also use, and that it definitely next on my list to remove off my vocabulary.

Here's a really awesome sentence. Try and figure out why:
I do now know where family doctors acquire illegibly perplexing handwriting; nevertheless extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability trancendentalizes intercommunication's incomprehensibleness.    

As the sentence proceeds, so does the number of letters in each word. The first word has one letter, while the second word has two. The third word has three letters and so on. The twentieth word has twenty letters! Its pretty cool and I wish I could say I figured it out myself, but as I didn't - creds to Tumblr.

When people insult other people, they go 'oh, its just words'. Yeah, well when people shoot someone, do they say 'oh, its just a gunshot'. It may not hurt to the same physical degree, but the amount of physical pain a gunshot causes is the same amount of emotional/psychological pain words can cause. They don;t always hurt people, but even sometimes when you're joking they can hurt.

Never ever make a comment about a girl being fat. Especially if she's a teenage girl. EVEN if you are joking. Also don't ask a girl if she's on her period. If she's not, she'll yell at you. If she is she'll yell at you and you'll probably get a slap or something. Just don't ask.

Books are so novel

But they are. 

I would like the thank my grade one teacher for teaching me the alphabet, which in turn taught me how to read and write. She also taught me/our class how to colour in 'properly' - you have to colour the object in one way as opposed to colouring one bit horizontal and then going over it, but colouring it in vertically.

No object implies the existence of another

When I was in Sydney, I went a contemporary/modern art exhibition. Those words were printed on a cracked mirror and it just really struck me. Its so true, though. If there's kids, it doesn't mean theres two parents. If theres a shoe, it doesn't mean theres a sock.

Okay, so those are my example and I'm sure other people can think of much better, deeper examples. Send away guys!

Of course this is happening in your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real? 

I love how humans have the ability to take a bunch of letters, numbers, symbols and signs and interpret them. It's such an amazing trait and its one that I don't think about when I'm doing it - I just do it out of habit. Thanks to whoever made humans like that. ily.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This sentence is called a pangram and contains all the letters of the english alphabet (but some of them more than once - I counted (for reals) ). Its a pretty cool sentence and has been used to test typewriters and keyboards.

Three Gardenvale clothing items I have:
1. My Class of '09 jersey/jumper
2. My shorts
3. My signed top 

Saturday 20 April 2013

Day 172: April 20

from the newsdesk...

How do you know you're not living in a dream right now? Don't be a smart-ass and say "oh because we're not" because we might be and you'd never know it. Dreams are just better realities; they answer the question of shoulda, woulda, coulda.

Inception, as in planting an idea in someone else's mind is, it itself, a dream. Its a way of taking reality and changing it so its still half reality, but planted in a dream. It makes it so you can't tell the difference between what is real and what is fake anymore. Kind of like todays society. But anyway. 

Dreams can be so real when you're experiencing them and the only way to realise its a dream is by waking it. Waking up shows your senses that your dream isn't a reality and that your reality is what you're surrounded by right at that second. But what if the idea/dream of actual inception was real? If you could delve into the mind and plant an idea there - any idea - which would therefore influence that persons decisions from that day on. Its like a more psychological version of your mother. 

What if you could remove an idea? Is that inception? I get a little confused. Whatever. Removing ideas would be essentially 'dream-snatching'. It would once again influence the person and change the course of their dream/idea completely. Its would be such a fantastical skill to be able to change the course of something/someone's life by just removing one single idea or notion or thought or dream.

The reality we're living right at this second, is it really a reality? It could be a reality within a dream, rendering it a dream. It could in fact be reality, but we would never know - how could it be proven? It really couldn't. You could come up to me and tell me that in Inception Cob (or Tom) had that little spinning top/totem thing that he spun and that told him whether it was a dream or not. But how does he know whether he's really in a dream or whether he's in reality. That spinning top could be wrong or how does he know it was right in the first place?

The idea that reality is actually a dream could make it reality. Its a dream that we've made up and maybe we're never waking up from it, making it reality and not a dream.

Reality and dreams are just better and worse versions of one another and they overlap so often that sometimes one just becomes the other and its impossible to tell them apart.

*Just imagine there's a cool image that says "Warning, reality ahead. Things may appear less thrilling from this point on" because the bloody inset picture thing isn't working and I've tried at least 7 times and its annoying me.*

Four things I currently dislike (a lot):
1. My left shoulder blade
2. The photo adding thing on blogger (WHICH ISN'T WORKING)
3. The fact that I have to change my basketball number *glares*
4. Having to choose between basketball training and art *cries* 

Friday 19 April 2013

Day 171: April 19

from the newsdesk comes...
The Boston Marathon Bombings

4 hours, 9 minutes and 50 seconds into the Boston Marathon, held on Monday 15th April, 2 bombs went off. These bombs went off almost simultaneously and exploded very close to the finish line. Three people were killed and 175 people were injured, with numerous limbs being lost.
Krystle Campbell, 29, was identified as one of the three deaths in the explosion. When Krystle's parents first found out about the death, they were told that it was their daughters friend who had been killed, but later they learned, when they were allowed to see the patient that had survived, that the victim was their daughter.
Lingzi Lu, 23, was a Chinese graduate at Boston University and a victim to the horrific Boston Bombings. She had been watching the race with her two friends as the bomb went off. Lu was the pride of her parents, living in China, but now the grief of her death engulfs them like an unwanted hug.
Martin Richards, 8, was holding an ice-cream when the bombs went off. Richards was standing with his mother, Denise, and sister Jane when the bomb detonated. Martin his sister Jane has been waiting for their father to cross the finish line. The bomb went off, killing Martin. The bomb cost Jane, Martin's younger sister and a dancer at her school where Martin, her leg. Denise is currently in the hospital, recovering from head injuries. It is unknown how severe her injuries are.

Just picture this, if you will. You're running somewhere. It doesn't matter how far away this place is, but you've been practicing for this run. You've been training your ass off; you've even managed to eat healthy for the last couple of weeks. You're about 10-20m away from the finish line. You can see it - you can see the end you've been working towards. Suddenly there's an explosion and the wind is knocked out of you. You fall onto the ground and you can feel blood, but you keep blacking out. Its like the world is frozen and you're moving in very slow motion. The only sounds you can hear are sobs - are they your own? - and people yelling and screaming and you can hear little children wailing. There's police cars - you can hear the sirens. You look down. There's a pool of blood at the base of your right knee and your leg is hanging off by a piece of flesh. That leg - the same leg that has helped you through weeks and weeks of training - is now gone.

So many marathon runners - and other people - have lost their limbs. Imagine having a career or a hobby, in which one of your body parts is essential. Pretend you're an artist for a living. Now imagine only have one arm. Life would be about 100x harder.

My dad runs. He's maybe done about 38 marathons since he started running (about 12 years ago) and I think 2-3 ultra marathons. He writes down every race he runs, the distance, and the time he takes to run it. Sort of like me writing down every book I read, the author, the date and where its from. I always had dreams of myself and my dad running a marathon together and maybe that can still happen one day. Everytime he finishes a race, it still amazes me. To run 42.1 km is kind of like not real for me. It doesn't seem like a thing people do. To run 56 km or 86 km or 92 km (depending on the year) is even more unbelievable, but my dad's done The Two Oceans [three times?] (56km) and I'm pretty sure he's done the Comrades twice, both in the 86km years. When we can, we go and wait for him and cheer and yell like crazy when he comes around the corner in his tattered old VOB shirt and short running pants, sweating, but still waving at us as as he passes. When we were younger, my sisters and I would run the last 100m (ish) with my dad to cross the finish line. We play 'spot dad' when it comes around to the time we should see him and when we see him come towards us, we always get so excited and I'm so proud and its just a great day for all of us. I can just imagine my dad running when he's 80 years old - he'll still be wearing his VOB shirt and it'll be even more tattered and he'll be jogging along and this time maybe I'll be jogging alongside with him.

The Boston bombing comes a lot closer to home than it comes across. Its like one of the association things where you go "well a does this so b does this". In this case, it's "well my dad does marathons so there's gonna be a bomb". Which not going to happen - I know this - but my brain immediately associates the word marathon with my dad and then the bombings. Its like when you hear someone has died from an ecstasy overdose and then you immediately think of all the people you know that have ever taken any drugs in their life. 

Thursday 18 April 2013

Day 170: April 18

Central was brilliant, thanks for asking.

Housekeeping items that need to be dealt with after one - such as myself - comes back from a hiatus during which I haven't updated in a while (which is the nature of a hiatus).
1. Change of name. Formerly known as The Year of a Listmaker, my blog is now called from the newsdesk.
2. My aim is now slightly skewed and altered to the left. Instead of updating each day with a new list and an extra number, I will now be writing about current and non-current events/issues/things that I find interesting/funny/fun/sad. My aim is to include a list with each blog entry, however there is no limit/number of how long it should or shouldn't be. I will try and update everyday or at least 5 times a week, depending on how busy I am or where I'm at etc. I might or might not update more than once a day, again depending on what I'm doing.  
3. My URL has stayed the same because I've grown attached to it and it still applies, depending on how you interpret the name.
4. I must warn you that my posts are often rambling sentences that don't really make sense, but sometimes they do, and I just love writing. 
5. If you want me to talk about something in particular, send me an email ( or an ask (tumblr) I'd love to talk about things that people are actually interested in, instead of talking about random shit that no-one cares about. (Which I'll probably do often anyways). 
6. I'm going to try and alter my writing style so its more of a direct portal from my thoughts to the computer screen, as opposed to going through the loz-filter. 

Day 169: April 6

It is currently 5.01am on the morning of Saturday, the 6th of April, 2013.

The day that I, and a quarter of my year level get on a bus that will take them - via other places - to central Australia.

I am posting this now as I seemed to have either forgotten to post it then or I was saving it to write a list on, but never got there.

Friday 5 April 2013

Day 168: April 5

To be more precise: 13 hours and 47 minutes until I leave to go to central Australia.

Now it is 11 hours and 40 minutes

And now 8 hours and 20 minutes.

Ugh, so excited. But also nervous.

Things not to forget, ie, to remember:
- Pillow
- iPod
- Phone
- Keys
- Headphones
- Letters
- Deodorant
- Impulse
- Water
- Lenses
- Glasses
- Glasses Case

Words that are like this mean that they have been completed

I'm like half nervous and half excited, it's gonna be good, but this is the longest time I've ever been away from my family (+ the camping days) and I'll be fine, but I worry too much and I've really gotta chill. I just don't want to forget anything and then be halfway to central Australia and the wild camels and then realise, 'shit, I've forgotten my toothbrush' or something. And they better accept my bag otherwise I'm screwed and what do I do? Hopefully I won't be too tired and I'll also be able to sleep on the bus. Ohh, bags window side then!


One hundred and sixty eight people/places/things that need letters:
1. Dear Mom
2. Dear Dad
3. Dear Best Friend
4. Dear Sister
5. Dear guy who invented the fridge
6. Dear fridge
7. Dear freezer
8. Dear chocolate
9. Dear Panadol
10. Dear pet
11. Dear Internet
12. Dear Tumblr
13. Dear Mark Zuckerberg
14. Dear J.K Rowling
15. Dear Harry (Potter)
16. Dear Daniel Radcliffe
17. Dear Raven Symone
18. Dear Ellen
19. Dear Oliver Phelps
20. Dear James Phelps
21. Dear bed
22. Dear desk
23. Dear sugar
24. Dear metabolism
25. Dear a gym
26. Dear stomach
27. Dear school psychologist
28. Dear nurse
29. Dear doctor
30. Dear Indian takeaway place
31. Dear Maccas
32. Dear Biggest Loser producers
33. Dear Michelle Bridges
34. Dear James Patterson
35. Dear Kathy Reichs
36. Dear Libraries
37. Dear bookshops
38. Dear Harry Potter World in Orlando
39. Dear Aeroplanes
40. Dear Cinemas
41. Dear Computers
42. Dear Laptops
43. Dear Grapes
44. Dear Sheep
45. Dear Goats
46. Dear Wikipedia
47. Dear Facebook Chat
48. Dear Google Chrome
49. Dear Cushions
50. Dear Google Images
51. Dear Control V
52. Dear Indie Films
53. Dear Indie Film Makers
54. Dear Control C
55. Dear Control A
56. Dear Keyboard
57. Dear Frozen Banana
58. Dear Ears
59. Dear Buzzing Flies
60. Dear James (Potter)
61. Dear Dumbledore
62. Dear Marie Curie
63. Dear Girlfriend
64. Dear Cancer
65. Dear AIDS
66. Dear Dolly
67. Dear Rollerblades
68. Dear Speakers
69. Dear Camels
70. Dear Pens
71. Dear Pencils
72. Dear Scrabble
73. Dear Dictionaries
74. Dear Silent Mode
75. Dear Permanent Markers
76. Dear Twitter
77. Dear Dory
78. Dear Kind People Of The World
79. Dear The Post Office
80. Dear Notes
81. Dear Glasses
82. Dear Lenses
83. Dear PDF files
84. Dear X
85. Dear O
86. Dear Y
87. Dear Algebra
88. Dear whoever can up with algebra
89. Dear blisters
90. Dear spiders
91. Dear Mosquitoes
92. Dear E
93. Dear Vowels
94. Dear The Royal Family
95. Dear Knees
96. Dear Ice Packs
97. Dear Digital Cameras
98. Dear Disposable Cameras
99. Dear Underwater Cameras
100. Dear Megaphones
101. Dear Tumblr Asks
102. Dear Fingers
103. Dear Feet
104. Dear Brains
105. Dear Hearts
106. Dear Peeta
107. Dear Jennifer Lawrence
108. Dear Rebel Wilson
109. Dear wet floors
110. Dear dirty floor
111. Dear dirty washing
112. Dear spam email
113. Dear inbox
114. Dear sent emails
115. Dear passwords
116. Dear silent movies
117. Dear horror films
118. Dear foreign movies
119. Dear baths
120. Dear toilets
121. Dear toasters
122. Dear showers
123. Dear Emily Deschanel
124. Dear David Boreanaz
125. Dear Michaela Conlin
126. Dear Jamie from Jamie's World*127. Dear Kingsleyy
128. Dear Jack Harries
129. Dear Finn Harries
130. Dear Tamara Taylor
131. Dear David Schwimmer
132. Dear Courtney Cox
133. Dear Jennifer Aniston
134. Dear Johnny Depp
135. Dear Hugh Grant
136. Dear Scarlett Johansson
137. Dear Dear TJ Thyne
138. Dear Cassandra Clare
139. Dear Jamie Campbell Bower
140. Dear Bonnie Wright
141. Dear Sticky Tape
142. Dear Blue Tack
143. Dear Trains
144. Dear Buses
145. Dear Trams
146. Dear Air Conditioning
147. Dear Heater
148. Dear
149. Dear fanfic writers
150. Dear CDs
151. Dear playlists
152. Dear CD players
153. Dear hot people
154. Dear shoulders
155. Dear high jump
156. Dear batons
157. Dear rhythmic gymnastics
158. Dear Blogger
159. Dear people who blog
160. Dear money
161. Dear money boxes
162. Dear ideas
163. Dear serviettes
164. Dear coloured pencils
165. Dear the oven
167. Dear timers
168. Dear containers  

Thursday 4 April 2013

Day 167: April 4

Well my headache is gone from before and I feel much better, thanks very much for asking.

I also hate milk skin. It's really gross and whenever I make hot chocolate, I have to get my milk out of the microwave quickly otherwise there's a milk skin and vomit.


I also love Jamie's World. She is hilarious and amazing and go watch her videos if you haven't already. Facebook:

GO DO IT. Whispers "you won't regret it"

One hundred and sixty-seven songs from my various playlists on my ipod (the names at the beginning of each list are the names of the playlists):
1. Eyes Open
2. I knew you were a goat when you walked on (best song)
3. Sparks Fly
4. Today was a fairytale
5. We are never ever getting back together
6. State of Grace (x2 - one is the acoustic version)
7. Red (x2 - one is the original demo recording)
8. Treacherous (x2 - one is the original demo recording)
9. I knew you were trouble
10. All too well
11. 22
12. I almost do
13. Stay Stay Stay
14. Holy Ground
15. Sad Beautiful Tragic
16. The Lucky One
17. Starlight
18. Begin Again
19. The Moment I Knew
20. Come Back... Be Here
21. Girl At Home
22. Both of us
23. Everything Has Changed
24. The Last Time
25. Should've Said No
26. Fearless
27. Our Song
28. White Horse
29. Fifteen
30. The Way I Loved You
31. You're Not Sorry
32. Forver & Always
33. Breathe
34. You Belong With Me
35. Change
36. Teardrops On My Guitar
37. Tell Me Why
38. Love Story
39. Hey Stephen
40. The Best Day
41. Cuz I Can
42. Bridge of Light
43. Raise Your Glass
44. Stupid Girls
45. Get This Party Started
46. Ave Maria
47. You And Your hand
48. Leave me along (I;m Lonely)
49. So What
50. Bad Influence
51. Dear Mr. President
52. Please don't leave me
53. Are we all we are
54. Just give me a reason
55. Sober
56. Fucking Perfect
57. Family Portrait
58. Chaos & Piss
59. Try
60. Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
61. Truelove
62. How Come you're not here
63. Slut like you
64. The truth about love
65. Beam me up
66. Walk of shame
67. Here comes the weekend
68. Where did the beat go?
69. The Great Escape
70. My Signature Move
71. Is this thing on?
72. Run
73. Good Old Days
74. Timebomb
75. The king is dead but the queen is alive
76. Funhouse
77. Most Girls
78. Trouble
79. Guns and Roses
80. Who Knew
{new songs april 13} *
81. Piece of me
82. Gorilla
83. Hurt
84. Born to try
85. All night long
86. Hum Hallelujah
87. Forget the world
88. Psycho
89. She Drives me crazy
90. Maybe this time
91. This is what dreams are made of
92. It's time
93. Impossible
94. I won't give up
95. She makes me wanna
96. Mirrors
97. Suit & Tie
98. Hummingbird Heartbeat
99. On My Own
100. Change your life
101. Can't hold us
102. Everywhere
103. All Night Long (cover)
104. The Christmas Rush (cover)
105. Deck the Halls (cover)
106. Feel Again & Dog Days Are Over (cover)
107. Firework (cover)
108. Misery (cover)
109. Paradise (cover)
110. Party in the USA (cover)
111. Pretty Young Thing (PYT) (cover)
112. Rolling in the deep (cover)
113. Teenage Dream & Just the way you are (cover)
114. Trouble & As Long As You Love Me (cover)
115. We are fun (cover)
116. Thank you
117. Hey Porsche
118. Feel Again
119. Ready to go
120. Let her go
121. Our time now
122. Addictive
123. Rock$tar
124. Beautiful Nightmare
125. Stars
126. Dirty Paradise
127. Shout It Out
128. Alive
129. She's A Killer
130. Freakshow
131. Timeless
132. Ex-Girlfriend
133. Outta my Face
134. Shut up & Kiss Me
135. She Calls this Love
136. Give up the girl
137. Affirmation
138. If you could see me now
139. Astronaut
140. You suck at love
141. Someday
142. Guns and Roses
{maybe mature - 4.12.12) Apparently I wasn't mature
143. Pop Danthology 2010
144. Pop Danthology 2011
145. Pop Danthology 2012
146. Sorry for Party Rocking
147. Thriftshop
148. Live While We're Young
149. Kiss You
150. Little Things
151. C'mon, C'mon
152. Last First Kiss
153. Heart Attack
154. Rock Me
155. Change My Mind
156. I Would
157. Over Again
158. Back for you
159. They Don't know about us
160. Summer Love
161. She's not afraid
162. Loved you first
163. Nobody Compares
164. Still The One
165. What You've Done To Me
166. The A Team (cover)
167. Fast Cars (cover)

So on these playlists, I have the following full albums:
1. The Truth About Love - Pink
2. Fearless - Taylor Swift
3. Red - Taylor Swift
4. Beautiful Nightmare - Reece Mastin
5. Take Me Home - One Direction

*Currently listening to this
Currently playing: Rock$tar

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Day 166: April 3

666 - the sign of the devil.

It's so weird doing a post in the morning. I almost always do them at night and it just feels unnatural to be doing them now.

I have issues with milk. I really don't like the taste. Most of the time for breakfast I eat toast, but sometimes I'll eat cereal. I'll eat one of four cereals:
1. Weetbix (but only when it's cold and I have to be in a certain mood to have them. I have hot milk with mine, but I know a heap of people - my dad included - that has cold milk. ew)
2. Granola Clusters - Like muesli, but not
3. Muesli
4. Pronutro (this is a South African wheat cereal and it comes in a heap of different flavours, but our family only eats the plain one)

I hate Cocopops and Fruit Loops and Milo Cereal because they just taste yuck and ew and vomming. But the chocolate milk the Cocopops make is sometimes nice.


So after my very intellectual conversation about milks and cereals, here is my list:

One hundred and sixty six songs that begin with a vowel from my playlist:
1. According to you
2. Accidentally in Love
3. Absolutely Everybody
4. Airplanes
5. Alejandro
6. Alive
7. All bad touches (come to an end)
8. All good things (come to an end)
9. All in
10. All I want is you
11. All I want for Christmas is you
12. All of the lights
13. All my life
14. All star
15. All the lovers
16. All too well
17. All your reasons
18. Alone
19. Already gone
20. Amazing - Kanye West
21. Amazing - Vanessa Amorosi
22. American Boy
23. American Idiot
24. Angels
25. Animal
26. Another one bites the dust
27. Another world
28. Anything but ordinary
29. Are we all we are
30. Are you gonna be my girl
31. As long as you love me
32. As long as you love me (cover) - Boyce Avenue
33. Ass Back Home
34. Ave Maria
35. Autumn Leaves
36. E.T
37. Earthquake
38. Easy Way Out
39. Edge of Glory
40. Eenie Meenie (two, for some reason)
41. Eh Eh (nothing else I can say)
42. Right days a week
43. Eleanor Rigby
44. Electric Feel
45. Empire State of mind
46. Empire state of mind (cover) - Glee
47. Evacuate the dance floor
48. Ever fallen in love
49. Every teardrop is a waterfall
50. Everybody (backstreet's back)
51. Everyone's waiting
52. Everything about you
53. Everything has changed
54. (Everything I do) I do it for you
55. Everytime
56. Everytime we touch
57. Eyes Wide Open
58. Eyes Open
59. I almost do
60. I can't go for that/you make my dreams
61. I cry
62. I do not hook up (x2)
63. I don't feel like dancing
64. I don't wanna miss a thing
65. I dreamed a dream (cover) - Glee
66. I feel better
67. I get around
68. I got a feeling (oooooo, oooooo)
69. I just had sex
70. I just wanna live (which suit will you be wearing?)
71. I kissed a girl
72. I kissed a girl (cover) - Glee
73. I knew you were trouble
74. I like that
75. I like it like that
76. I love it
77. I love rock 'n' roll
78. I made it (cash money heroes)
79. I need a dollar
80. I never liked you
81. I should've kissed you
82. I wanna dance with somebody
83. I wanna go
84. I want
85. I want it all
86. I want it that way
87. I want to break free
88. I will survive/survivor
89. I will wait
90. I wish
91. I wish I was a punk rocker
92. I won't let you go
93. I would
94. I write sins not tragedies
95. I'd come for you
96. I'll be there for you
97. I'm a believer
98. I'm all yours
99. I'm blue
100. I'm like a bird
101. I'm not afraid
102. I'm outta love
103. I'm sexy and I know it
104. I'm with you
105. I'm yours
106. (I've had) the time of my life (cover) - Glee
107. If its love
108. If today was your last day
109. If you don't mean it
110. If you ever come back
111. Imagine
112. Imma be
113. In the air tonight
114. In my head
115. In this life
116. In your light
117. Incredible
118. Inescapable
119. Into the dark
120. Invisible touch
121. Ironic
122. Innocence
123. Is she really going out with him
124. Is this thing on?
125. It ends tonight
126. It will rain
127. It girl
128. I've got the magic in me
129. Iyiyi
130. Oh my god
131. Oh what a night
132. OMG
133. On the fall
134. On Call
135. On Top
136. One More Night
137. One More Time
138. One Night
139. The One That Got Away
140. One Thing
141. One Time
142. Only Girl in The World
143. Opposite of Adults
144. Our perfect Disease
145. Our song
146. Over again
147. Over my head
148. Own this club
149. U can't touch this
150. U smile
151. U.N.I
152. Ultraviolet
153. Umbrella
154. Under Pressure
155. Untitled
156. Untouched
157. Unwell
158. Up All Night
159. Ur Love
160. Use Somebody
161. All Night Long
162. All Night Long - cover (Mike Tompkins)
163. I dreamed A Dream - Les Mis
164. On my Own
165. I knew you were a goat when you walked in (yes, I have this)
166. I would - JB acoustic (don't ask - my sister put this on)

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Day 165: April 2

I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to pull off doing my lists when I'm at Central. I will cross that bridge when I get to it..


Tomorrow is gonna be quite hard to do a blog post because I'm going out at 11am and sleeping over at my friend, but I will try my hardest to get it done. In the morning, Central packing calls, especially since my parents are going away camping on Thursday and I need my mom's help to pack (well, not exactly, but I want her advice etc.)


*Billtong is dried out meat. It's like beef jerky, but actually tastes nice.

One hundred and sixty five answers from the logo games by AticoD:
1. Volkswagen
2. Nike
3. Citroen
4. Michelin
5. McDonalds
6. Pizza Hut
7. Twitter
8. IBM
9. L'oreal
10. Canon
11. Skype
12. MTV
13. Samsung
14. Blockbuster
15. Amazon
16. Nescafé
17. Calvin Klein
18. Kellogg's
19. Quicksilver
20. Louis Vuitton
21. Barbie
22. Flickr
23. Pringles
24. BMW
25. Red Bull
26. eBay
27. Nissan
28. Microsoft
29. Starbucks
30. Reebok
31. Burger King
32. Hp
33. Intel
34. Levi's
35. Rover
36. Verizon
37. Imdb
38. Dakine
39. Lotto
40. Facebook
41. Hello Kitty
42. In n out Burger
43. Nikita
44. NASA
45. Nokia
46. Armani
47. NBC
48. Konica Minolta
49. Chanel
50. Swatch
51. Suzuki
52. Adobe
53. Dodge
54. Sony
55. Chevrolet
56. Toys R Us
57. Nivea
58. Dunlop
59. Cartoon Network
60. Atari
61. Ferrari
62. Whirlpool
63. Olay
64. Kleenex
65. Wikipedia
66. Axa
67. Minute Maid
68. Honda
69. Abc
71. Allianz
72. Dreamwork
73. Netscape
74. Sony Ericsson
75. Windows
76. MSN
77. Monster
78. YouTube
79. Ikea
80. Pepsi
81. Prince
82. Ups
83. HTC
84. Dacia
85. Coca cola
86. Alfa Romeo
87. Heineken
88. Cisco
89. Mercedes
90. Aston Martin
91. Harley Davidson
92. Inter flora
93. Adidas
94. Lucasarts
95. Toyota
96. Yahoo
97. Nintendo
98. Panasonic
99. Pantene
100. Roncato
101. Audi
102. Sap
103. Dell
104. Playstation
105. Skoda
106. Tommy Hilfiger
107. Linkedin
108. Campbell's
109. Corona
110. Ford
111. Shell
112. Telefonica
113. National Geographic
114. Champion
115. Knorr
116. Garmin
117. United Nations
118. Jack Daniels
119. Timbaland
120. Netflix
121. CNN
122. Accenture
123. Land Rover
124. Tesco
125. Dove
126. Converse
126. Chupa Chup
127. Thq
128. Daewoo
129. Ducati
130. WWF
131. New Balance
132. Puma
133. Carhartt
134. Baidu
135. Fujitsu
136. Nestlé
137. Napster
138. Speedo
139. Maserati
140. Nvidia
141. Virgin
142. Kia
143. Fila
144. FBI
145. Amtrak
146. Yamaha
147. Qualcomm
148. John Deere
149. FedEx
150. Dominos
151. Mozilla
152. Warner Brothers
153. Dunkin Donuts
154. Taco Bell
155. Hot Wheels
156. EA Games
157. Sesame Street
158. Mountain Dew
159. Oracle
160. Volvo
161. Mini
162. American Eagle
163. Philips
164. Post It
165. Chevron

I saw The Host and I really liked it. It was a pretty cool storyline and I think it was pulled off quite nicely. Also Max Irons is hot <3

Monday 1 April 2013

Day 164: April 1

and with April Fools Day comes the birthday of the best on-screen (and off-screen) twins.

May your status as Human Bludgers continue to live throughout Hogwarts History.
George, out of the whole world of ear related humour, did you have to go with holey?
R.I.P. Fred. You will forever be missed and I can imagine your face when you fine out that Prongs was Harry's dad.

"Give her hell from us Peeves" 
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"

One hundred and sixty three songs, authors, artists, books, websites  movies and TV shows I need to add, read, go on to and watch:
1. Festival
2. Crank (series)
3. If I Stay
4. 13 Reasons Why
5. The Ellie Chronicles
6. Before I Fall
7. Speak
8. Twisted
9. Catalyst
10. The Beginner's Guide to Living
11. Scatterheart
12. Angelfish
13. 13 Little Blue Envelopes
14. Ganglands
15. Boy
16. Everything we ever wanted
17. Keeping the moon
18. This Lullaby
19. Just Listen
20. Along for the ride
21. Blue
22. The Golden Day
23. Ella Mental: Life, love and more good sense
24. You against me
25. Before I fie
26. Mr. Penumbra's 24 hour bookstore
27. Girl, missing
28. Sister, missing
29. Missing me
30. Falling fast
31. Della says: OMG
32. Careful what you wish for
33. Clockwork Angel
34. Clockwork Prince
35. Clockwork Princess
36. Say Cheese and Die
37. Careful what you wish for
38. Chinese Cinderella
39. Beautiful Dead (series)
40. All I need
41. When it happens
42. Take me there
43. Something like fate
44. so much closer
45. Waiting for you
46. Ghost Child
47. Matilda is missing
48. We bought a zoo
49. Pretty Little Liars
50. Flawless
51. Perfect
52. Unbelievable
53. Pretty Little Secrets
54. Wicked
55. Killer
56. Heartless
57. Wanted
58. Twisted
59. Ruthless
60. Stunning
61. Burned
62. Crushed
63. Deadly
64. Ali's Pretty Little Liars (prequel)
65. The Lying Game (series)
66. Everything left unsaid
67. The land of stories: The wishing secret
68. A brave new world
69. 1984
70 Tuesdays with Morrie
71. The 5 people you meet in heaven
72. Wilt
73. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
74. Marching Powder
75. Burning Blue
76. Ketchup Clouds
77. The Time Traveller's Wife
78. FML
79. Psycho
80. Hummingbird Heartbeat
81. All Night Long
82. Mike Tompkins
83. Dog Days are over
84. Feel again    
85. Born to try
86. Maybe this time (Cabaret)
87. Hurt
88. If you could see me now
89. Change my life
90. On my own
91. What dreams are made of
92. Everywhere
93. Chasing Amy
94. The Never Ever
95. Ready to go
96. Just my luck
97. You suck at love
98. Astronaut
99. She makes me wanna
100. Hum Hallelujah
101. Ultraviolet (cover)
102. Someday
103. She drives me crazy
104. Outta my limit
105. Gorilla
106. Cough Syrup
107. Hot Blooded
108. Little Rascals
109. Geek Charming
110. Raise your voice
111. Gay Dude
112. Struck by lightning
113. Ginger and Rosa
114. Goddess
115. Blades of Glory
116. The Imposter
117. Bowling for Columbine
118. Blade Runner
119. Red Dog
120. Good Girls
121. The Bitch in Apartment 23
122. Castle
123. The Inbetweeners
124. The Lying Games
125. Skins UK
126. Misfits
127. Slumdog Millionaire
128. Labyrinth
129. Big Momma's House
130. Big Momma's House 2
131. Big Momma's House: Like Father, Like Son
132. Austin Powers
133. Suddenly 30
134. Ghost of Girlfriends Past
135. I love you man
136. My life in September
137. My super Ex Girlfriend
138. My life in Ruins
139. Date Night
140. Leap Year
141. A walk to remember
142. Hall Pass
143. Dark Shadows
144. Love and other drugs
145. Journey Two
146. Horrible Bosses
147. Miss Congeniality
148. V for Vendetta
149. How to lose friends and alienate people
150. 13 going on 20
151. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
152. The Sweetest Thing
153. The Breakup
154. Jaws
155. The Wedding Planner
156. The Breakfast Club
157. Metropolis
158. Fight Club
159. Psycho
160. Greek
161. Skin
162. American Beauty
163. Shawshank Redemption  
164. District 9

Mischief managed

"Bambling, bumbling bunch of babboons. Try say that five times fast, huh?"