Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 173: April 23

from the newsdesk...

Sentences are made up of 21 consonants, 5 vowels, various numbers and symbols, yet they define us. Whoever said sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never harm you had issues. Words - whether they're good, bad, long or short - define us and make us who we are today.

Sentences make up the books we read. They form the notes we send to friends during the boring classes. We use symbols and shorthand to type to friends in MSN and Facebook conversations  Sometimes we may even bring this shorthand into 'real life'.

Our brain takes a whole lot of gibberish and transforms it into comprehensible sentences that we interpret and use in everyday life. Whether we like it or not, words have negative, neutral or postitive annotations. Every single thing that comes out of your mouth, is written by your pen or is typed - any way a letter is formed - can, and probably will, impact someones life.

Using 'gay' to describe things that are bad doesn't actually technically make sense, but, (to quote Macklemore), we use gay as if its synonymous with the lesser. We use the word gay - meaning either happy or liking the same sex - as an adjective with a negative connotation. I've gone to slapping my friends everytime they use the word gay to describe something thats bad. Not friendly, but quite effective. Its the same as using the word retarded, which I also use, and that it definitely next on my list to remove off my vocabulary.

Here's a really awesome sentence. Try and figure out why:
I do now know where family doctors acquire illegibly perplexing handwriting; nevertheless extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability trancendentalizes intercommunication's incomprehensibleness.    

As the sentence proceeds, so does the number of letters in each word. The first word has one letter, while the second word has two. The third word has three letters and so on. The twentieth word has twenty letters! Its pretty cool and I wish I could say I figured it out myself, but as I didn't - creds to Tumblr.

When people insult other people, they go 'oh, its just words'. Yeah, well when people shoot someone, do they say 'oh, its just a gunshot'. It may not hurt to the same physical degree, but the amount of physical pain a gunshot causes is the same amount of emotional/psychological pain words can cause. They don;t always hurt people, but even sometimes when you're joking they can hurt.

Never ever make a comment about a girl being fat. Especially if she's a teenage girl. EVEN if you are joking. Also don't ask a girl if she's on her period. If she's not, she'll yell at you. If she is she'll yell at you and you'll probably get a slap or something. Just don't ask.

Books are so novel

But they are. 

I would like the thank my grade one teacher for teaching me the alphabet, which in turn taught me how to read and write. She also taught me/our class how to colour in 'properly' - you have to colour the object in one way as opposed to colouring one bit horizontal and then going over it, but colouring it in vertically.

No object implies the existence of another

When I was in Sydney, I went a contemporary/modern art exhibition. Those words were printed on a cracked mirror and it just really struck me. Its so true, though. If there's kids, it doesn't mean theres two parents. If theres a shoe, it doesn't mean theres a sock.

Okay, so those are my example and I'm sure other people can think of much better, deeper examples. Send away guys!

Of course this is happening in your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real? 

I love how humans have the ability to take a bunch of letters, numbers, symbols and signs and interpret them. It's such an amazing trait and its one that I don't think about when I'm doing it - I just do it out of habit. Thanks to whoever made humans like that. ily.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This sentence is called a pangram and contains all the letters of the english alphabet (but some of them more than once - I counted (for reals) ). Its a pretty cool sentence and has been used to test typewriters and keyboards.

Three Gardenvale clothing items I have:
1. My Class of '09 jersey/jumper
2. My shorts
3. My signed top 

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