Monday 15 July 2013

Day 190: July 15

From the newsdesk...

Our existence is so fragile and - quite literally - could be ended with something as simple as a gunshot. Or a bomb. Or a fall. You can even be killed by drinking too much water - your organs will drown in the excess liquid 

Our existence is a tiny little fly waiting to be swat at. We move around, avoiding obstacles, but one day our end will come and we'll face that fly swat head on. 

People are people and whether they're young or old or fat or skinny or average or have brown hair or blue hair or green eyes or run or paint or watch lots of TV or like reality cooking shows or want to be a police officer when they're older, their hearts will one day stop beating. No-one can know the exact second that will happen. 

It's taken for granted that most people will live a long and joyous life and be taken away by old age - with the exception of those with cancer, a disease or something that will inevitably end their life sooner than expected. But while cancer and diseases are public, as such, drugs and alcohol are not. 

You can be drinking yourself into oblivion and no-one would know, save for the people close to you. Same goes with drugs. One day you have them and you're fine and the next day you have one too many and you're no longer. 

Which is why it was such a shock to me to hear about Cory Monteith. For those who didn't know who he was, he was an actor, most widely known for his role in Glee as Finn Hudson. He was found dead two days ago in his apartment in Vancouver. No foul play was seen, a drug overdose was suspected. 

I found this on Tumblr and it really rang true. 

It's like an equation. 
Young + healthy = not going to die 
Young + sick = still not going to die, due to young age 
Old + sick = will die. People are already preparing themselves 
Old + sick = mmmh, will die soon. 

It's like a habitual 'draw a line between the two that match'. I mean, young people don't die, do they? That's just totally not a thing. Ludicrous!  We immortalize them, take it for granted that they'll live forever and if they're in a certain TV show/movie/picture book they're be typecast as that character (but, different discussion for a different day). 

R.I.P Cory Monteith 

Kyle Massey (Cory in the House) has cancer 
Zimmerman went free. (quite angry about this)

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