Wednesday 5 June 2013

Day 184: June 5

From the newsdesk...

And so the countdown begins...

8 hours and 53 minutes. 

All the studying and writing and reading (Mockingbird) and testing myself and learning - it all comes down to the next two days. 

And then it's over. 

You work your ass off for two terms learning four subjects, each of them with their own set of sub-topics, just to get it done and over with in 2 days. 

8 hours 50 minutes...

And then the cycle repeats again. 
Year eleven, here I come! 

But then you have year 12 where there's no mid years and you work for four terms for six exams that literally plan out the next year of your life for you. 

It's weird. 

Half of my brain is saying that I'm prepared and I've learnt what I need and no need to worry and the other half is saying that I don't know enough and I should've looked over this more and that I can't do it. 

Dementor and Hermione's never-ending-beaded bag. 

It's only two days, but it's two days filled with writing down - literally - everything you know, or anything that could be relevant to that subject - on a piece of paper and just hoping for the best. 

8 hours 40 minutes.

I feel like I know my material inside out and upside down (except for physics), but is that enough? 

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