Tuesday 25 December 2012

Day 67: December 25

People of Blogspot (and other people who just come on here, just to look at their favourite blogs). MERRY CHRISTMAS. HAPPY (BELATED) CHANNUKAH. (I'M PRETTY SURE THERE'S ANOTHER RELIGIOUS FESTIVAL ON NOW(ISH) BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO THINK OF THE NAME). I hope your day was excellent - filled with the likes of family, friends and food. Might (or may?) your bacon/pork/beef/fish/whatever you had have been cooked to perfection. I hope you took an extra helping of the pudding. Forget your diet for one day and just eat. Stuff your face people. There's not too many days in the year where you can just forget everything and eat food. Embrace it. I hope you laughed louder and got excited for no apparent reason. I hope you loved receiving your gifts as much as your loved giving them. Also, I hope you didn't have too much trouble with the 'reaction' to your presents. I hate opening presents and then everyone is watching you - waiting for your reaction. Are you gonna like it? Are you going to hate it? How good are you at faking that you like in, when in actual fact, it is the worst present since Tiffany Hall got a whale's penis bone?
So people, embrace the fact that today, you spent (or are going to spend) the whole day with family and/or friends. Eat lots. Laugh lots. And just embrace it.  

So there is my Christmas/(belated) Channukah, another religious festival's wish. 

Sixty-seven relatively obscure facts about my family and I:
1. My dad is the only male in our house
2. I have three female pets
3. I am the tallest female in my dad's side of the extended family
4. My older sister has no middle name (unfortunately, I do)
5. I have a really diverse taste in music
6. Only one of my aunties (out of four) is left-handed
7. We are the only family (out of my mom and dad's immediate sides) to have 1. Three Girls and 2. Three Kids
8. My mom has two brothers
9. My dad has two sisters
10. Both my aunties on my dad's side own cats
11. Both my uncle's on my mom's side are lawyers
12. Both of my dad's sisters have two boys
13. Both of my mom's brothers have one girl and one boy (each)
14. My mom's older brother is not actually married, but him and my auntie have been together for about 23 years
15. I am left-footed in high-jump, but right in everything else
16. If I could spend a day in the life of someone, it'd be a make-up artist of (preferably), a costume designer for a movie. (or maybe a special affects/effects person)
17. I hate Monopoly
18. I am easily amused
19. I am REALLY gullible
20. My dad is colour-blind
21. My mom is an art-teacher (oh, the irony)
22. My dad and both my sisters are brilliant at maths
23. My dad runs for leisure
24. My favourite type of medium is pastel (and then paint)
25. I love experimenting with technology
26. I'm good at making caramel slices
27. I (mostly) eat apples with my left hand
28. I never shut up
29. Books must (almost) always come first (as opposed to movies)
30. I enjoy reading trashy magazines
31. I wish I had 'red' hair (Quick Comment: I've never understood why they call it red hair, when in fact, it's actually orange)
32. I was born 6 weeks early
33. I had a guy best friend from the beginning of grade two (when I moved here) till the end of grade 6 (we drifted apart in high school)
34. I suck at Cello
35. I like eyes
36. I want a boyfriend who's taller than me
37. My eyes are blue and yellow
38. I love fruit
39. Between my mom and I, and the (almost) 8 years we've been here, we have been to 7 hospitals
40. I have been on crutches 6 and 1/2 times
41. I still have my 'mask' (thingy) they used to put me to sleep when I had my tonsils out
42. I've had my tonsils out
43. I've been asked twice 'If you're from Africa, why are you white?''
44. Seven is my lucky number
45. Eight is my unlucky number
46. In my favourite childhood books - Animal Ark by Lucy Daniels - I always read the name Lydia as Linda
47. I am allergic to no food item
48. I am, however, allergic to mosquito bites
49. I prefer stilettos over wedges
50. I am also allergic (or as my mom would say, sensitive) to athletic tape and some materials (e.g. wool)
51. I never want to be a teacher
52. Or an accountant (snooze factor)
53. Whenever people sleep over at my house, they dislike the ticking of the clock
54. I hate sleeping in silence (ie. I like the clock. If I can't sleep, I count the ticks)
55. I have a 'rushout; temper (I have a quick temper, but once it's over, I'm over it - mostly)
56. Biggest pet hate: People who get your and you're mixed up.
57. I don't drink tea or coffee
58. I know how to make coffee on a machine (latte anyone?)
59. I don't like sleeping it (It makes me feel like I've wasted the day)
60. Books are my favourite. They allow me to get lost into another world.
61. I want to do something worthwhile when I'm older
62. I don't swear at home
63. I'm irrational. Screw logic.
64. I would love to be best friends with Raven Symore, Rebel Wilson, Emma Watson, Emma Stone, J.K. Rowling, John Green and Andrew Garfield (Actually, this list can go on forever...)
65. I really want to meet someone from the Harry Potter cast
66. I can type really fast, but according to my grade 7 I.T. teacher, my 'fingers are placed incorrectly'.
67. I love making lists (as we can see through this blog).

Alright, yes, I know, I've already done a list on facts about me, but these are different.
1. They are about my family and not only me
2. These are obscure facts and although I might have overlapped one or two facts, the majority is different.
3. Deal with it.

Lately, I've been doing actual lists - things that have a right and wrong answer. I think I'm going to be doing more of these kind; a list where no-one can tell me what's right and what's wrong, because the answers will be opinion based.

That is all.

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