Tuesday 30 October 2012

Day 11: October 30

Hi people of infinity (and beyond). Today is another sweltering hot day in the land where I live. (well, it's not THAT hot, I just wanted to use those words. for anyone interested, it's 29 degrees (Celsius).
Which is hot in my opinion. Today, I have had an icy-pole and an ice-cream. Good cures to the hot weather.

In keeping with the theme on hot weather...
Eleven of the best things to eat/drink on a hot day:
1. Ice-cream (of course. Probably vanilla with peanut butter and milo or maybe something with caramel in)
2. Sorbet (technically, they're different. Lemon, blood orange and mango - in that order).
3. Icy-pole (lemonade flavour).
4. Frozen grapes (they're really good, trust me).
5. Tuna salad (especially for dinner. it's really yum)
6. Smoothie (berry flavour)
7. Slurpee (I don't like the Coke flavour, but after that - anything goes !)
8. Fruit salad (one of my favourite foods, ever!)
9. Cold oranges (the orange has have to have been in the freezer, but you mustn't let it freeze)
10. Juice cups (they have these at my school, and they're pretty much just frozen juice)
11. Ice cubes. (if all else fails, eat/crunch on some ice cubes. they'll keep you cold).

Done for another day! Hopefully the weather cools down for tomorrow (HALLOWEEN).

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