Sunday 21 October 2012

Day 2: October 21

Good morning everyone (or afternoon, night or evening, depending on where you're from). I have absolutely no idea how to use this blogsite, except for writing the actual blog itself. But I do have a year to learn. Whoop!

So, list two today,
day 2, October 21
Two subjects I think should be compulsory until grade 12 (lets say there aren't any)
1. English - yes, I know this is already compulsory, but I totally agree. I mean, we live in Australia, a mostly English-speaking country/continent (whatever). I know some people take ESL (English as a second language) which is perfectly fine, but whether it's taken as a first or second language, it should still be taken.

2. .Maths - I cannot believe I just wrote that. I hate maths as much as the next person, probably more. Hello, when are we going to use trigonometry or Pythagoras' theorem in 'real' life? Much to my math teachers shock, no, I don't go around measuring the distance (whether it be vertical, horizontal or diagonal) between a ladder and the wall. So, why after my long-winded sentence complaining about maths, would I think we need it? My argument would go like this.. So, of course we need to basic maths skills - plus, minus, multiplication and division. Yes, we may learn them every year, but we still need them. I think the point of carrying on maths until year 12 is that you actually will use some the completely obscure equations that you learn. Especially measuring (because whenever I go to the hairdresser, and I ask them to cut as little as possible off, they end up cutting about half my hair off). One more thing, who invented algebra? Maths was all good(ish), when they decided. "lets make it harder by putting the bloody alphabet in".

Well now that I've written that, I have finished my second day. So far, so consistent.

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