Wednesday 31 October 2012

Day 12: October 31

Tonight, my friends and I went trick or treating. I went as a pig in my sister's onesie (like a babygro for adults). There were eight of us:
- A pig (me)
- A gothic fairy
- A nerd
- An Asian nerd
- A farmgirl (I was her pet pig :P)
- An 'ex-wife' (like from Mean Girls).
- Gladiator
- Robin Hood

To keep in the theme for this holiday...
Twelve lollies I received during Halloween:
1. Mini Mars Bar
2. Picnic - Cookie Crunch
3. Magic Pops - Popping Candy
4. Ghost drop
5. Mini Boost
6. lollipops (various sizes and shapes)
7. Milky Way
8. Haribo Gummy Bears
9. 'Zed' Candy
10. Sherbet Bombs
11. Twirl
12. Gummy snakes

Someone even gave us each a book and we got eggs thrown a us from a passing car. They missed! Bad aim to whoever threw them !
Bucket List: To go to America for Halloween one year and go trick-or-treating. My friend says its AMAZING there.

Bye for now (until tomorrow)
exohexoh gossip ghost

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