Thursday 1 November 2012

Day 13: November 1

Alright, a few things to discuss first.
Two, worst day. ( as in, I have had the worst day). We, as in my friends and I, had a fight. It was all stressful and then she told us something, but I don't know whether to believe her. Like, I don't think she's straight out lying, I just think she's exaggerating. Although, she sorta did justify her reasoning.

Three, I don't like the beach. As a child, I loved it. It was all fun and you could make sandcastles and splash around and have water fights. Now, I just hat sand. Sand gets everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE! But, don't get me wrong. If the weather is perfect and my friends invite me to the beach, I'll go. I might be grumpy at the start, but once I'm there, having fun, I'll love it.
(there was actually a point to the random ramble about the beach)
Thirteen things I take to the beach:1. Towel
2. Goggles
3. Tennis Ball
4. Thongs/slip-slops (shoes)
5. water
6. Money
7. Phone
8. A book
9. My ipod
10. sunnies (sunglasses)
11. Sunscreen (I get sunburn whether it's 18C or 30C)
12. Bathers/swimming costume
13. Hat

P.s. After three days of sweltering hot temperatures, I woke up today to the sound of rain. Top of 17 degrees (Celcius).

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