Sunday 4 November 2012

Day 16: November 4

This morning I bought RED (Taylor Swift) and it's amazing.
At the moment, I also love Boyce Avenue (Youtube band).

Sixteen collections that I have:
1. Cool bottles, cans etc
2. Snow Globes (got that idea from Santa Clause 3)
3. Rubbers (like erasers, NOT CONDOMS ;) ) (but only half-heartedly. My friend collects and he's got about 400 different rubbers)
4. Dreidels (They're pretty much a 'Jewish' spinning top)
5. Miniature thongs/slip-slops (the shoe, not the clothing piece). (ie. keyrings and earrings)
6. Harry Potter memorabilia
7. Stickers (I have about 400 different stickers)
8. 'Shmontzes' that I have received from Bat and Barmitzvahs (light up 'ears', glow in the dark mouth guards etc)
9. 'Free' postcards (we get them at my school).
10. Money with obscure pictures on them (ie. A $1 coin to commemorate the Royal Wedding)
11. Foreign money (I think everyone does?)
12. Bouncy balls
13. Rubber bracelets (the three I wear are for a) Pink - for breast cancer, b) blue - for beyondblue (youth depressions) and c) yellow - Daffodil Day (Cancer Council)
14. Train tickets (well, that's been stopped in it's tracks (no pun intended), because now there's Myki and no more Metcards *cries*)
15. Scooby Doos (no, not the dog, the 'plastic' ones that are made from 'strings'. I could never manage to 'make the 'square' scooby doo, I could only make the 'circle' one)
 16. Tazos (stopped now, as they don't have the tazos in Australia, but when I lived in South Africa, I collected them like nobody's business. There were heaps of different kinds and we used to play games to swap and to win them off others).

It's hot again here. *wails*

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