Monday 26 November 2012

Day 38: November 26

Today was awesome. Myself and seven of my friends went to Bounce. Bounce is a trampolining place which has four different trampolining areas
1. The free jumping - this is where there's heaps of mini tramps and a basketball ring for dunking
2. Dodgeball - Pretty self-explanatory ----> this is where you play a game of dodgeball (seven on seven) ON trampolines
3. The foam pit area - this is where there are three 'line' tramps and you jump along one into a foam pit. Now, my friends warned me that it was hard to get it - I mean it stands to reason because the foam blocks sorta push you down. But I didn't understand how much I would suck at it. It literally took me 10 minutes to get out. I was laughing so much at my failing. I finally got out - after FORVER.
4. Advanced trampolining + foam pit - same foam pit arrangement as number 3, but this time there were other trampolines that bounced higher, ie for professional people.

After our sesh at Bounce, we trained to the city where we ate lunch and went window shopping.
Today was one of the best days.

Thirty-eight methods of transportation:
1. Walking
2. Running
3. Hopping
4. Skipping
5. Yacht
6. Speed boat
7. Cruiser
8. Ship
9. Aeroplane
10. Scooter
11. Bicycle
12. Unicycle
13. Piggybacks
14. Skateboarding
15. Penny (mini-skateboard)
16. Swimming
17. Horse riding
18. Moped
19. Tricycle
20. Sedgeway
21. Car
22. Truck
23. Motorcycle
24. Electric Scooter
25. Rickshaw
26. Camel
27. Crawling
28. Rollerblading
29. Horse and Carriage
30. Catapult (probably not widely used...)
31. Windsurfing
32. Rowing
33. Beach Buggy
34. Helicopter
35. Water-plane
36. Jumping
37. Pole Vaulting
38. Donkey

"It's a bird, it's a plane, no its SUPERMAN...with a person on his back"

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