Tuesday 27 November 2012

Day 39: November 27

I am back on the computer (finally) and back at school.

I really like paradoxes. I like them because they have a meaning, but the meaning contradicts itself. They're like saying something and then saying the complete opposite thing in the next word, e.g. It is opposite day. This in itself is saying that its opposite day, but because you're saying it, it's not opposite day. I find them really hard to explain. This is my favourite one:

The Liar Paradox
(1) This sentence is false
If (1) is true, then (1) is false. On the other hand, assume (1) is false. Because the Liar Sentence is saying precisely that (namely that it is false), the alias sentence is true. So (1) is true. We've now shown that (1) is true only if it false. Since (1) is one or the other, it is both.

Also this one:
If there is an exception to every rule, then every rule must have at least one exception, the exception to this one being that it has no exception.

Thirty-nine Idioms
1. It's raining cats and dogs
2. Sticking out like a sore thumb
3. Making a mountain out of a molehill
4. Don't upset the apple cart
5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
6. Don't upset the apple cart
7. A chain is only as strong as the weakest link
8. Blood is thicker than water
9. A kid in a candy shop
10. A leopard can't change it's spots
11. You can't teach an old dog new tricks
12. Get out of the wrong side of bed
13. Rotten to the core
14. Sour grapes
15. Finger-lickin' good (also the old KFC motto)
16. Two heads are better than one
17. Free as a a bird
18. Don't let the bedbugs bite
19. Green with envy
20. Put on your thinking cap
21. It never rains, but its pours
22. His jaw dropped
23. Share and share alike
24. Fair and square
25. Third time lucky
26. Beginners luck
27. My lips are sealed
28. Cost an arm and a leg
29. Out of the blue
30. Once in a blue moon
31. Mad as a hatter
32. As cute as a bug's ear
33. Knock on wood
34. More fun than a barrel of monkeys
35. Hit the jackpot
36. Grin from ear to ear
37. Cross my heart
38. Double trouble
39. Kick the bucket

Did I bite off more than I could chew for this blog?

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