Sunday 10 March 2013

Day 142: March 10

Happy birthday to Daisy, my crazy dog <3

Judge me, Judge me not.

Would you rather:
a) go out with someone who is considered 'hot', agrees to everything you say, and can carry a decent-ish conversation
b) go out with someone who is considered 'alright', is quite opinionated and loves to converse?

Just reading this, most people would pick B. Why would they pick it? It makes them look good and in theory, it's what they would pick. But in practice, if you had these two girls standing in front of you, who would you really pick. Truthfully? If you could stop thinking about what other people expect and think of you for just one second, who would you pick? Maybe you would still pick B, but I think A girls would become much more popular.

I judge guys more on their personality (compared to looks), as opposed to judging girls on their looks more than their personality.
It's definitely got to do with the fact that I'm a girl and I'm constantly - hell, WE'RE - constantly comparing ourselves to those around us.

Oh, she's prettier. Ew, look at her shoes!

We judge other people like we breath - constantly and automatically. If we like their hair, we say it. If we think their shoes are the ugliest things since tartan skirts, we let people know.

We expect people not to be so judgmental, yet look at us. We're all as judgmental as one another yet we expect it to be different.

We expect guys to have a 6-pack and be loving and caring and fluffy.

We as a generation have much too high expectations (GREAT EXPECTATIONS) and we don't perform. We don't reach these expectations, yet we expect other people to reach them.

We have the expectation of reaching the moon, yet we just graze the sky.

You can walk around on your high horse saying that you don't care what people think and maybe in that moment you don't, but somewhere, sometime, you will start to care.

Maybe it'll be when your family makes a comment. Or your friends. Or maybe the comment comes from someone you don't even like. This comment, it'll get to you. It'll lower your self-esteem and make you want to be prettier, skinnier, better in some way.

Rumors also. Whether you choose to believe them or not, they're always there in the back of your mind and even more prominent when you're speaking to that person/those people.

You judge people based on what you hear and see and no matter how hard to try to ignore the rumors, they'll sneak back in.

Your mind is split into three sections:
1. Rumors
2. Truths you've heard straight from the horses mouth
3. Things that are in the middle, as in things that are too true to be rumors, but not real enough to be true.

What choice do we have?
Do we ignore society and carry on with our lives, waiting to be broken by that one specific comment?
Do we care about every little thing that's ever been said?
Do we ignore the rumor?
Or do we let it fester inside of our heads until we start to believe it?
Is it better to judge inside your head?
Or do we break the silence and speak of our judging nature?

We have no right to express our opinion until we know all the answers - Kurt Cobain

Wise words Kurt.

One hundred and forty two cliched similes&metaphors (also made up ones by moi):
1. As blind as a bat
2. Happy as a pig in mud
3. As wise as an owl
4. Flat as a pancake
5. To sing like an angel
6. Gentle as a lamb
7. Work like a dog
8. Fight like cats and dogs
9. Larger than life
10. Fast as the wind
11. Clear as mud
12. It's raining cats and dogs
13. Heart of gold
14. Heart of a lion
15. Rolling in the dough
16. Jumping for joy
17. Apple of my eye
18. As cold as ice
19. As clear as mud
20. Crystal clear
21. Dry as a bone
22. Chalk and cheese
23. As fresh as a daisy
24. As free as a bird
25. As good as gold
26. As hard as nails
27. Heart of stone
28. Music to my ears
29. The snow was as cold as the bitch in my grade
30. Chocolate as rich as Bill Gates
31. She was as tall as the Empire State Building
32. The snow is a blanket for the Earth
33. The food is fire to my belly
34. He was wide, like the Brooklyn Bridge
35. He kicked the bucket
36. She was the light of his life
37. Fish in the sea
38. As mad as a hatter
39. As busy as a bee
40. Nutty as a fruitcake
41. As mad as a hatter
42. Pale as death
43. Proud as a peacock
44. Pure as snow
45. As quiet as a church mouse
46. Fast as lightning
47. As sick as a dog
48. As silent as the dead
49. As slow as a snail
50. As slippery as an eel
51. As solid as a rock
52. As sour as a lemon
53. As straight as an arrow
54. Strong as an ox
55. Stiff as a board
56. Thin as a rake
57. Stubborn as a mule
58. Thick as a brick
59. Tall as a giraffe
60. Timid as a rabbit
61. As tough as leather
62. As tough as nails
63. As tough as old boots
64. As white as a ghost
65. As white as a sheet
66. Like two peas in a pod
67. Black as coal
68. Pitch black
69. As bald as a baby's butt
70. As bold as brass
72. Soft as a baby's butt
73. As bright as the sun
74. Cunning as a fox
75. Cool as a cucumber
76. Dead as a dodo
77. Deaf as a post
78. As easy as ABC
79. Fit as a fiddle
80. Happy as Larry
81. Happy as a lark
82. Hairy as an ape
83. Could eat a horse
84. Hot as hell
85. As light as a feather
86. As high as a kite
87. Madder than the March hare
88. As old as the hills
89. As neat as a pin
90. Pretty as a picture
92. Poor as dirt
93. As right as rain
94. As sharp as a razor
95. As sharp as a pin
96. As smooth as silk
97. As slow as a wet weekend
98. As slow as a tortoise
99. As sticky as jam
100. As sober as a judge
101. As round as a ball
102. As sly as a fox
103. As still as death
104. As sturdy as an oak
105. Tight as a drum
106. Thin as a toothpick
107. Tricky as a box of monkeys
108. As snug as a bug in a rug
109. As pretty as a princess
110. Your personality is like a lemon
111. Swims like a fish
112. Swims like a mermaid
113. Flies like a bird
114. Time is money
115. Love is blind
116. Love is careless
117. Love is kind
118. Love is slowly losing your mind
119. Happy as a clam
120. He is the devil
121. You're as round as the Earth
122. You're like a cup of hot cocoa
123. You're like a good book
124. Knowledge is power
125. Passion is knowledge
126. As bald as my granddad
127. As wrinkled as my grandparents
128. As cross as my teachers
129. As red a tomato
130. As spiky as a cactus
131. As graceful as a swan
132. As colourful as a rainbow
133. As fat as a cow
134. As playful as a kitten
135. As hungry as a hippo
136. As cool as a cat
137. As crooked as a politician
138. Live like a pig
139. Look like an angel
140. Take it like a man
141. Run around like your heads been cut off
142. Multiply like rabbits

It's a metaphor. You put the killing thing between your teeth, but you dot give it the power to do its killing
- Augustus Waters, The Fault in Our Stars (John Green)

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