Monday 25 March 2013

Day 157: March 25

Happy Pesach.
Or sad Pesach.

Pesach (or Passover): The Jewish Festival in which people celebrate by:
a) eating way too much food, esp. on the first two nights, also known as Seders
b) Saying how much they hate matzah and then proceeding to eat it with every meal (along with potato and meat of some sort. Also tuna sometimes)
c) looking for a bag of 'special' matzah, also known as the afikomen and then receiving money (around $2) for it
d) counting down the days until it is finished
e) eating way too many greens, too much meat, too many potatoes and too much cardboard
f) occasionally having the delicious-ness of chocolate matzah, matzah pizza and egg as matzah
g) explaining to my non-Jewish friends what:
1. Matzah is (Saladas without salt. Edible cardboard)
2. What Pesach is (The festival with lots of matzah)

One hundred and fifty-seven things that are talked about/mentioned/are the topic of conversation/thoughts/things we do during Pesach:
1. Fleeest
2. Outstretched Arm
3. Bondage
4. Haggadah
5. Cardboard
6. Rabbi Eliezar
7. General Knowledge
8. The afikomen
9. Blood
10. Boils
11. Locusts
12. Ascending Pillars of smoke
13. Wild beasts
14. Dianu
15. Not knowing any Hebrew
16. Not licking your finger
17. Kneidal
18. How much we miss bread
19. How much we don't miss bread
20. How pretty someone looked
21. Nice necklace
22. I like your hair
23. He
24. The ten plagues
25. Apple mush
26. Pear mush
27. Hadaar
28. Orley whip
29. How cocoas allowed
30. How rice isn't
31. So much chocolate
32. How many days till we end
33. How many hours?
34. Do we have to go to shule?
35. Chicken soup
36. The slow cooker
37. Four cups of wine
38. Youngest child
39. Leaning to the left
40. Why is this night different
41. Seder plate
42. Maror
43. Lettuce
44. Horse radish
45. Choroset
46. Wine
47. Don't spill!
48. Dates
49. Apple
50. How sweet it is
51. Clues for the afikomen
52. Explaining what Pesach is
53. Describing matzah
54. Going to shule
55. Complaining about going to shule
56. Not understanding anything that's going on
57. When can I take this dress off
58. There's no space at the dishwasher
59. I'm so full!
60. I want more of that
61. And that
62. This is delicious
63. Pass the salt
64. Frogs
65. The Egyptians
66. 250 plagues
67. But actually 50
68. But actually 200
69. But then there's 150
70. Can we eat now
71. Thank god for not benching!
72. Haha, this is weird
72. Lift up the matzah
73. Uncover the matzah
74. Cover it up again
75. Rabbi Joshua
76. I can't pronounce that!
77. As if you can't say that!
78. Hurry up
79. Can I read again
80. Fire
81. Should I have seconds?
82. Ugh, as if I have school tomorrow
83. I'm so tired
84. Ma nishtana
85. Photo time!!
86. No computer
87. No technical devices (HA)
88. Smite the first born
89. Didn't have time to leaven the bread
90. Mana
91. Couldn't they have waited
92. Half an hour more
93. Flour
94. But no wheat
95. Oh, the irony
96. Oh, it's started
97. Gluten free
98. Potato flour
99. Almond flour
100. Coconut
101. Macaroons
102. 2nd night
103. Minyan
104. Elijah
105. 13 people
106. Cleaning the house
107. 'Burning' the chometz
108. What bread
109. Because other people have bread
110. Can't buy stuff at the stores
111. No Milo
112. After Pesach
113. Tuesday night
114. Starts at 11am
115. Tuna
116. Potato for lunch
117. Have some more
118. Thirds?
119. Find something pretty to wear
120. Shules only short (AND IT WAS!!)
121. *changes necklace*
122. *puts on magen david earrings*
123. *puts on bracelets*
124. Boiled eggs!
125. Salt water
126. Why only half?
127. Don't drink that - it's salt water!
128. Pass the jug
129. These cups are tiny
130. Yes, i'll take the plate
131. Would you like more?
132. I feel like I'm going to explode
133. Can I take my shoes off
134. You match! (both my aunties were wearing black and red)
135. Photos!
136. Memories
137. Smile!
138. A real smile!!
139. No, leave your hair down
140. This is yum!
141. Why don't we have this more often
142. Pass the pepper
143. I don't have a spoon
144. Pass the troco
145. Pass the salad
146. Pass the dressing please
147. Mom, do we have other dressing?!
148. Ew
149. These are yummy!
150. I want some rice with this
151. And toast?
152. Do we have more of this?
153. They're going soon
154. Bored.
155. I wonder what *insert other Jewish friends names here* are doing
156. My eyes hurt
157. Happy Pesach!

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