Thursday 28 March 2013

Day 160: March 28

Today was the last day of term and my friends and I have been singing this all day:
We are great people. Except we changed the words from Summer, Summer, Summer to Winter, Winter, Winter because what a lovely winter we're having this autumn in Melbz.

I never know if I want to read spoilers or not. Every third post on my Tumblr is Spoilers: Clockwork Princess which I still haven't read and I probably won't read for ages yet. I need to re-read the other books in the series before I read this one and they probably all have like 6 reserves each. I want to know what happens, of course, but also, of course, I'd rather read it in the book. But I also want to know. So far, I've been avoiding Clockwork Princess stuff because I'd rather read it, but ugh, I just want to read it.

But Mockingbird beckons.

Side note: We watched Pan's Labyrinth in film studies and wow. I am not a fan of foreign movies, because subtitles (I have previously done a blog post on my hate of subtitles), but this one was perfect. Del Toro (the director) described it as a 'fairytale for adults' and that's exactly what it is. At first, it comes across as a fairytale, but then the blatant violence* and sinister underlying message of the spanish civil war (I think that was it) is so ever present. Ofelia is so so great as the main character and she's really pretty. Cries. The mother annoys me, she's a weak character and I don't think Ofelia benefits from her a huge amount (besides the mothering thing). I like Pan, but sometimes he's really intimadating and then I have to question if I reaqlly do. Also the fairies and Mercedes and the doctor, but only later, when he says SPOILER his last words. YOU GO GLEN COCO! The Captain (a la, Cap-e-tain), is a vengeful, sadistic and disgusting man, and as much as I hate his character, he's a brilliant actor. FOUR FOR YOU. Mercede's brother <3 The Pale Man is pretty cool with all the visual effects, but I don't think he was on long enough for me to decide whether I liked him or not. The fairies though </3 ONLY OPEN THIS IF YOU'VE SEEN THE MOVIE: , but places hands on face.

One hundred and sixty 'subjects' of the last 160 Tumblr posts I have just reblogged:
1. Supernatural (Dean, maybe?)
2. Cassandra Clare (a la, Simon's band name)
3. Making gifs quickly
4. Cheese parody of Sweet Dreams5. A funny grandmother
6. Jokes, and then you feel insecure
7. Shrek and how it's the best fairytale because imperfect people can still have their own happy endings
8. Nombre (and french and spanish)
9. Does anything spicy happen between Jace and Clary in CoHF (City of Heavenly Fire)
10. The future (Tumblr gets deep)
11. Leaving the door open and dying whale noises
12. David Tennant as the doctor hoping to find her again and Clara Oswald getting warned about talking to strange men
13. Rachel and Joey and pizza and A moment on the lips, forever on the lips and how Joey doesn't need that talk in his house
15. Our heater caught fire proceeded by pictures of the cool apartment
16. Ted Mosby and how in 45 days he and his wife will meet
17. The Queen and memes with her face
18. Ed Sheeran
19. All water tasting different and people who say different are full of shit
20. Did you know's about Australia (something about hot people and humour)
21. YOU PRETENTIOUS DOUCHEBAG (from The Social Network)
22. Lindsay Lohan being awesomely rude to the paps
23. The one where Ross finds out (F.R.I.E.N.D.S)
24. Cassandra Clare is writing a book with a gay main character, according to her Tweet
25. Suspended food and this cute old man
26. Talented guy in Africa and One Direction
27. Saying Justin Timberlake's name wrong
28. Miley's awesome motto
29. Some persons mother rearranged their potatoes in size order
30. An origami elephant
31. #best plot twist in mdoern film history
32. Words to use more often
33. Appreciation post on favourite female-led non-romatic comedies
35. How much we hate oranges and apples being compared and Tumblr getting deep
36. Harry calling Snape a coward *wails*
37. People dressing up as cool things from schools that I didn't go to
38. Remember when Harry and Louis started stealing food in a premiere?
39. A new reaction gif
40. A shocked guy from one of those statue-people
41. Mr Harry H. Potter, Cupboard Under the Stairs, 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey
42. The voice in my head when I read
43. Selfie with @sexyflynnrider
44. Takes phone and laptop when we have to leave our room and be with the family
45. Failed trampoline jump (A little far...)
46. Regretting staying up late and then doing it again
47. Your friend asks to hang out and then you say you'll ask your mom and you don't and then you tell your friend your mom said no
48. Being rude about depression
49. An accurate sketch of my brain and hand
50. Glow in the dark nail polish
51. Don't like gay marriage? Well, shit. Good thing you don't have to get one.52. Ed Sheeran responding to hate on his twitter (perfect person)
53. Finding a typo in a book you're reading
54. A conversation about a bisexual girl coming out and then saying 'but I only like hot girls', which was a great burn
55. Not trusting people who can fall asleep with jeans
56. Egg pops. (Vomming)
57. 5sos in concert
58. Criss Colfer saying that his most useless talent would be historical knowledge
59. petition to rename usa 'south canada'
60. If we're friends, there's a 106% chance that I'm always petrified that you secretly hate me
61. Slest (opposite to a vest)
62. Someone who was once a hearse driver and then a taxi driver and him being scared when someone tapped him on the shoulder in the taxi
63. Random boob pains that feel like heart attacks
64. Am I in the process of getting attractive or am I stuck like this forever?
65. I've wrestled crocodiles and dingoes simultaneously (I think every Australian can obviously relate to this)
66. The meat lady helping someone hide from Baldy, the ex
67. My sexual preference is anyone who is willing to touch me
68. Please don't call me dude. It's weird. We make-out sometimes. (Cues pictures of Josh Thomas and a guy making out)
69. Anon or not. Your call (Asks)
70. Amy Pond and the Doctor </3
71. Most unused button of Tumblr
72. When you listen to your favourite band less and less and you feel ashamed
73. Beez in da trap (The B Movie)
74. Jace and Clary/Jamie and Lily
75. So proud to be a Shadowhunter
76. Saint Magnus' Home for Wayward Shadowhunters (<3 )
77. *Tears* You call yourself our mother?
78. Pitch Perfect - The Riff Off
79. Cats and Catnip and also graves
80. Prince Harry being the third wheel
81. Elle Fanning and a giant flower
82. f is for friends who do stuff without you
83. Perfect ideas and everything for a fanfic and when you write it *cues sad face*
84. The best of Tumblr confusion
85. Ronmione (<3)
86. Are you re-reading that book AGAIN? (Yes, why would you ask that)
87. Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time, Harry
88. STOP (signs)
89. What's wrong with my life: My blanket does not cover my feet
90. Send me a book title and I will rate your blog
91. Feeling suicidal? Can't talk on phones? (    
92. Bird cage and fish tank combined
93. What straight boys text each other
94. Voldemort and the other facial features he's missing
95. Sarcasm in the refuge of losers (so uncle frank is the best character of little miss sunshine)
96. Morning or evening sex (Anytime sex got 69%)  
97. The Fault in Our Stars 
98. Glass of milk and not living down something
99. Ellen (playing celebrity heads): He's the sexiest man alive! (She's describing George Clooney) Guest - can figure out who it is: Jennifer Lopez!
100. Ed Sheeran disguised as being in the Weasley family
101. The Fault in Our Stars quotes done really coolly and artistically
102. Amy Pond and the Doctor and someone else
103. You're not just wrong, you're stupid
104. The cat doesn't want to be ignored
105. Robert Sheehan is apparently a filthier version of Simon
106. Spaghetti is straight until it gets hot
107. The episode where Hannah Montana lost her voice and her brother became Bucky Kentucky
108. [Picture of] Emma Watson with a caption about Daniel Radcliffe talking about Emma cutting her hair
109. The beginning of Paperman
110. Kurt being Kurt
112. AKS (Harry Potter themed)
113. Why insult someone when you can say something nice in a very sarcastic tone? (Exactly.)
114. You are beau(picture of tea)ful ok?
115. If you won't sing in the car with me when we drive, we can't be friends (pretty much)
116. Taylor Swift
117. Monica and Chandler's wedding
118. Cute puppy
119. Waking up and getting up are very different
120. Why was no-one every alarmed that sharpay and ryan sang love songs to each other
121. Charlie Swan being the most awesome person. ever.
122. Not having plans for the weekend
123. Don't come into my room if the DOOR IS CLOSED
124. A parody of Call me Maybe
125. THE IMPORTANCE OF 100 FOLLOWERS <3 (shoutout to the 104 people who follow me. ily)
126. Shark movies: JUST GET OUT OF THE WATER
127. Jim Carrey coming out of a rhino's ass
128. Tie Dealer on the loose
129. Cute baby in suit
130. People and saying 'that's so gay'
131. Hogwarts is my home! You can't do this
132. God dammit. Mom: Don't say that word. Satan blessit
133. Cup song and tattoos
134. Assumptions and generalisations regarding gay people and performing arts and a bunch of sweaty guys
135. Facebook status: You aren't a nerd. You're a slut who found glasses
136. Society being rude to teenagers
137. Andrew and Emma being adorable together
138. Books and me
139. I was just bein' Miley
140. How easy it is to edit Harry Styles' Twitter bio
142. Porches and nice people
143. Shailene Woodley and President Snow and Mockingjay and Suzanna Collins
145. Seeing many things. 8 things
146. Captain Jack Harkness and the HUGE NUMBER OF NOTES
147. Walt Disney signing my blog
148. Having the 67 cents
149. Concert voice
150. Jem Carstairs and his amazing way with words but then him saying that he doesn't
151. preparing for season finales
152. A new sex position called 9, feat. me
153. I never feel like more of a failure than when I can't remember a piece of Harry Potter trivia
154. Creepy spider thingy that moves with the wind
155. Eavesdropping on people's converstions about how rude it is to eavesdrop and then telling them you agree
156. There's no logical reason for shorts and pants to be the same price
158. Not caring about anything at all
159. tmi tuesdays: whats your worst poop experience?
160. Naming the family pet Sherlock

Okay, so I spend way too much time on Tumblr but who are you to tell me what to do with my life? My blog is funny and sometimes sad, but mostly just funny and stupid and I post everything and anything, even if I don't belong to the fandom. So    

* I have this thing where, when I watch horror movies, I make myself dis-attached from the characters and the horror that's happening. But I hate blatant violence. In this movie, there is quite a lot blatant hand-on-violent weapon and they clearly show you what's happening. SPOLIERS. With the rabbit scene, you're completely not expecting it. It just comes BAM, out of nowhere. And the sewing of the mouth *shivers in ew-ness* But I still watch it.

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