Saturday 19 January 2013

Day 91: January 18

After-Smells. So these are like after tastes, except you smell it. When someone whooshes past you, you can smell them. Which sounds totally creepy, but you can. When that person is like a couple of steps in front of you, they leave a sort of smell. It's like when you've eaten a piece of liquorice and you swallow it and then you have that taste in your mouth for a bit. That's what an after-smell is, except it's much briefer and not actually a real thing.

Ninety-one artists names from the Dobell prize for drawing 2012 exhibition and the contemporary art exhibition (+ one from Francis Bacon: 5 Decades):
1. Angus Nivison
2. Jeannette Siebols
3. Kiata Mason
4. John Forrester Clack
5. Allan Mitelman
6. Deborah Beck
7. Mathew Lynn
8. Jennifer Keller-Milne
9. Anne Judell
10. Judy Rae
11. Tom Carment
12. John Scurry
13. Wendy Loefler
14. Maryanne Coutts
15. Tony Costa
16. Craig Waddell
17. Ulrich Stalph
18. Tony Ameneiro
19. Graham Fransella
20. Ellie Bunt
21. Pam Hallandal
22. Justine Muller
23. John Fitzgibbon
24. Suzanne Archer
25. Michael Snape (Why can't I have that surname?!)
26. David Fairbairn
27. Tim Allen (Isn't this the name of a famous author?)
28. Joe Frost
29. Stuart Watters
30. Peter Griffen (family guy?)
31. Julie Rrap
32. Ron Muek
33. Lawrence Weiner
34. Sigmar Pole
35. Shen Shaomin
36. Fred Sandback
37. Sol LeWitt
38. Robert Rauschenberg
39. Rossyland Piggott
40. Christine Borland
41. Maria Elvira Escallon
42. Ross Melick
43. Anselm Kiefer
44. William Kentridge (South African Pride)
45. Barry Flanagan
46. Christo
47. Tony Oursler
48. Gerhard Richter
49. Jeff Koons
50. Andy Warhol
51. Gregor Schneider
52. Anish Kapoor
53. Gabriella Mangano
54. Rebecca Horn
55. Christian Boltanski
56. Yves Klein
57. Ugo Rondinone
58. Brian Blanchflower
59. Bill Fontana
60. Rachel Whiteread
61. Richard Hamilton
62. John Balderassi
63. Svetlana Kopystiansky
64. Joseph Kosouth
65. Richard Deacon
66. Dale Frank
67. Giulio Paolini
68. Perejaume
69. Jeanne-Claude
70. Paul Pfeiffer
71. Michael Landy
72. Richard Long (hopefully not the one at my school...)
73. Dennis Oppenheim
74. Ian Hamilton Finlay
75. Bethan Huws
76. Ana Mendieta
77. Joe Felber
78. Wendy Sharpe
79. Bernard Ollis
80. Rita Lazauskas
81. Ellie Gifford
82. Marinka Bozzec
83. Susan Andrews
84. Gareth Sansom
85. Tim Kyle
86. Katherine Hattam
87. Kevin Malloy
88. Godwin Bradbeer
89. Louisa Chircop
90. Penelope Cain
91. Francis Bacon


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